Cata Dungeons are zoom proof

Not true. They were not AS faceroll as Wrath, but they were still easy. The “Cata heroics were hard” came from “Stupid DPS who kept breaking themselves upon his body”.

They weren’t that hard. It’s just that we were used to Wrath Heroics. By the end of Cata we were steamrolling Cata Heroics. I would just go nuts with aoe.

Of course now there will be Mythics, so it’ll just be the same toxic, gatekeeping mess that exists in Wrath Classic. Blizz can’t resist throwing this e-sport Retail trash into Classic.


The top of the playerbase is way better than before. The difference between the average player and the top has only become bigger as new players/worse players are still terrible.

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We didn’t then, we won’t this time. Garbage-tier DPS killed themselves on Ozruk all the time and cried on the forums about it.


Because they nerfed them… lol


I don’t have any problem with the original difficulty of Cata Heroics. What we don’t need are more Mythics, like what infected Wrath Classic. Every tier a higher difficulty.

‘Oh no, players are getting more powerful relative to the content they’re doing. Can’t have that!!!’

All Blizz knows is this progression-negating e-sport garbage.


That’s all about blizzard trying to be all things for all people. People complained on the forums that original BC dungeons were too hard. So they made wrath dungeons easier. Then people complained wrath was too easy it was boring. So they made hard cata dungeons. Then people claimed they were too hard. They tried 2 modes, normal and heroic but still got complaints. They could never find a sweet spot between too hard and too easy. So blizzard followed the path of making early dungeons face roll laughably easy. Then making near infinite levels that got harder and harder and harder until they were so hard as to be practically undoable.

Talking pure history, I think some folks here played post-nerf or remember that the fish was this big. While players were filling out i346, crowd control was a big help.

With 4.3 mechanics, healing and threat will be less impeded. But we’ll see gating similar to H+.


Folks don’t remember how hard trash mobs hit tanks that were still gearing up, or how healers cannot heal folks to full in 1-2 quick heals due to how much less they heal for and how they would run OOM spamming big heals. Or how every trash mob does group-wide damage, and every casting mob has a big ability that has to be kicked. Or the experience of queueing into a group of randoms from dungeon finder that had never put Kick/CC ability on their action bars, if they had even trained it at all.

We’ll prob handle it better this time around because we’re better at the game now, but folks pretending it’s just a non-stop AoE-fest at low gear levels are truly delusional.


If there is one thing i am hopeful for for cata, it is pre nerf dungeons.

They make gammas look like a joke.

You had to CC pre nerf cata heroics.

Made them fun.


highly doubt it gammas are as hard and or harder then pre nerf cata dungeons.

standard wow player back then struggled to move out of fire. majority of people was still in blues and base epics let alone 5k+ gs not gonna be the same as it was.

It’s really is just a heal check.

Doesn’t really make a difference to DPS or tanks xD

As a healer main, I feel the pain. Trust me.

Overall, once you’re in Tier 11/12, they will get a lot easier. Same as it was with TBC heroics.
I remember face tanking Shattered Halls on my Prot pala in full Tier 4 just fine. And when I healed on my Rdru in T4, no tank ever died.

People know they’re CC fests now so it’s going to suck even more for the classes with no good CC than it did originally.

So yeah that’s going to be terrible again.

that might have been true post nerf with raid gear, but that’s definitely not the case for pre-nerf heroics


You see a lot of bad stuff as a healer doing PUG gammas.
Still love RDF.

I am not…heroics are fun one or 2 times when they are new but 3 months down the road u just wanna zoom zoom

that sounds interesting. I made this char to help pve friends with attunes/heroics in tbc. Never had much reason to play him in wrath

What do you mean, most gamna are zoom proof we already have zoon proof dungeons in wrath right now and it will be a shame to see them gone if cata mandatory.

I dont look forward to getting absolutely deleted in stonecore by those big brutes again that are in the hall before break yourself upon my body dude.

Obvious you didn’t play Cata when it was released. Blizz had to nerf dungeons because “they were too hard”.

After the nerf, yes tanks pulled large packs and people just AOE’d everything.