I wish Blizzard treated us as adults

Blame the jerks who abused the system,they’re why we can’t have nice things. Wouldn’t have had issue with master looter if it didn’t screw so many people over in being denied upgrades in favor of a raid leader or guild Master’s circle of friends and/or significant other.


Time gating (even things like raid boss lockouts) are also there so people that no life play 24/7 don’t get overwhelming more progressed than someone who can only play more “normal” hours.

Rest XP was even part of this basic idea.


I feel you OP. Just had a thought. If we can sell our 475 loot to a vendor where does it go? Why cant we buy that loot from vendors? Makes no sense.

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If the player base would act like adults, they would treat us as such.


Meh. They have no problem treating us like adults when they take our money

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Wow is not a “sandbox” mmo is a theme park, that means, developers decide in a more aggresive way to where the game is going.

If you want more freedon, there shoud be some sabdboxy mmo out there


It’s our fault it’s this way, if we as players didn’t act like kids when loot dropped. it’d likely be different

This is Blizzard baby sitting, because the children won’t behave.


I mean I understand why they did it but I do not think that the restriction should apply to real id friends. If they want they can even make it so that you have to be real id friends for over a day or a week so that pugs cant abuse it

I’ve seen a lot of people repeating what you are saying. In the absence of data, though, I’m going to have to agree with all the people who said it was so demotivating they ended up playing less or not at all.

Blatant manipulation rubs me the wrong way. Try to trick me or force me into doing something and I’m going to lose interest.

“In order to improve your participation numbers you wanted me to get the cloak on all my characters, and to force me to you are giving them 50% worthless low ilvl corrupted gear they can’t use and no longer permitting them to buy essences? Watch me play old content for the rest of the expansion!”

Because they are obsessed with the idea that there is one right way to play the game, and options will be removed until people have no choice but to obediently complete their assigned tasks.

It’s called mudwimping.

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I think opening up trade restrictions would work for Real ID buds, I mean why would you not want to share your spoils with friends, I would like to see changes myself also in regards to loot distribution, but looking at SL going forward they seem to be dialing back on loot drops anyway.

If this means drops become more meaningful then I feel that being able to trade a piece of really good gear to someone that needs it would be a good thing for the game, nobody wants to push keys endlessly for no loot at all, so sharing is caring and Blizz will hopefully see this.


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Guilds were abusing it as well. ML was first removed from all queued content, but it still got abused. Plenty of people suggested that it only be allowed for guilds. But by that time Blizzard had already pointed at bad guilds as one of the reasons for the change. And a sketchy guild would have no problems telling you to fork over your RID to join.

Data or no, that was Blizzard’s stated rationale for it.


Or when they flat out said “We’d rather you don’t play Demonology”.

Thank you! Seriously sharing with friends is one of the things that adds meaning to this game.

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The game has solo content and group content. “Playing with friends” isn’t actually something that fits easily into the program. In many ways they’ve made it harder and less rewarding to play with friends than to solo.

This is where being treated like an adult has to come back. Are there abusers? Yes. Are the abusers greater than the general wow population? Probably not. I mean they are keeping covenants closed regardless of what min/maxers think. They should allow players to trade with their friends regardless of what bad guilds do.

If Blizzard intends to make choices meaningful then choosing who you raid with should have a greater meaning beyond if people are good or bad at dps/healing/tanking. A perspective of “these people actually share” vs “these people take everything for themselves”.

Furthermore Classic lead to Blizzard booming in sales of subs and is still going strong from what I hear. Yet classic still maintains that players are adults Guild Abuse Excuse is not even up for debate.

I don’t think they see us as adults after trashing us like children.

“Do YoU gUyS nOt HaVe PhOnEs??”

Still echoes.

People grow older, but they do not always grow up.

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Which is hilarious, because Vanilla/Classic was always painted as a friendly, welcoming playerbase with a strong, mature community…we all knew it wasn’t, and they’re proving it.


Are you not happy with the imp mother spec we have now?

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I’m just going to assume that you haven’t heard the latest guild news out of classic.

There’s a lot more bad guilds out there than people think. Having to dig through dozens of bad guilds to find a good one is a great way to permanently lose a customer. Good guilds rarely need to look for new players, bad guilds constantly do. Guess which one a player’s likely to land on.