I wish Blizzard treated us as adults

I tend to focus on what my friends say versus what the public drama is.

Edit. Reading your links now. Thought it was just others replies. That sounds horrible but mostly like a reporting issue and blizzards over-dependence on automated suspensions.

Nah, at the end of the second one, a Blizz rep even states that there was no automatic action. If the original guy actually got a temporary ban, it was because a GM got conned. But a lot of people got themselves banned for trying that stunt.

Yea but thats a stunt and an internal blizzard issue. Yes people are mass reporting and its leading to wrongful bans but is this a problem that is affecting everyone and is limiting loot sharing the answer? I do not think thats the answer. I think the answer to the issue you presented is Blizzard having a proper look at their policy towards bans and false reporting to address this issue

For this case, sure, bans make perfect sense. Blizzard has a nice list of all the people that abused the reporting system. Blizzard doesn’t have a list of all the people who have abused the loot systems over the years.

This was just a case of a classic guild (or two) abusing a sensible tool.

Sometimes I wish I could trade more stuff too, but not that often.

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I hope Blizzard finds a solution. Doing things with friends and not being able to trade things with them feels anti mmo to me. It just ruins the experience when one person only loots 5 shoulder pieces in 4 weeks but no one else can trade them an upgrade they themselves do not need but could mean the world to the person that does not have anything. It also feels anti rpg because it devalues the group role in doing things for with and for each other.

If anything keep personal loot for pugs and remove it for real id friends (That are friends for like a week or more) and guilds. I think that would be good. And if some abuse it then make an option to let players choose. We dont need master loot but I do want options here.

Wow is just becoming more all for one than one for all and I think we should have some say in that. As someone pointed out earlier this game is just becoming more of a single player experience and any multiplayer interactions already has enough restrictions that you really do not have to speak to anyone or make connections.

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Are you suggesting that Blizzard are our parents?

Perhaps. They dont call him big daddy hazzi for nothing

I’m not sure if it’s an issue of being treated like an adult or if it’s an incapability to allow players to trade freely.

When they did that crz, I couldn’t give another player an item because they weren’t on my realm although there they were. I know crz was just to give the illusion of a more populated server but it seems they could have gone a different way so we could trade, etc… yet they didn’t.

So maybe the game engine is so old it can’t? Idk.

They can treat their players worse, the main problem is they don’t respect their in-game stories, their company history, and what they used to do that wasn’t motivated by cash.

It’s not that they don’t think you are smart enough to deal with your own loot, it is that they wanted to remove the option that was often abused. Look I liked master loot but there isn’t anyone who can’t say that at times it wasn’t abused, and when it was who did people turn to to solve the situation? They just got tired of having to try and sort out loot disputes for us.

Now I wouldn’t mind seeing it come back, making it an option that can only be used when the vast majority of the raid is in the same guild. It would also need to be listed in the “group finder” so people know in advance before they back fill open slots in someone another guild’s raid.

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So you mean return Master Loot. Because even if you mean otherwise, that’s what it would become.

The reason the restriction was imposed on trading in raids was to avoid the sorts of social consequences that arose from ML. Just as there are good people and guilds who do the right thing, there are bad ones who don’t, and the results of the latter were a lot more disruptive. Sadly, there are always people who do the wrong thing because they can - you only need to look at some of the craptastic behaviour going on in Classic at the moment; people killing a quest giver just to disadvantage others who are trying to gain something important and amazing.

Sometimes they have to err on the side of caution, as the saying goes. They have to impose a structure that protects against misuse. You can still trade items with your friends, as long as they aren’t upgrades for you. In the scheme of things, it’s a small price to pay, I feel, to avoid the actions of bad’ns.

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It is because more then a few people exploited master loot. Don’t blame blizzard, blame the people that enjoying ruining a good thing for everyone else.


I think I still blame Blizzard seeing as there is a chunk of innocent people still upset by it.

There’s definitely ways to put master loot back in specific situations.

so you want blizzard to treat you like an adult like they are already treating all of us and you?

One of my friends has a rather unsavory but hilarious nickname for Ion. I’d get banned if I said it here.

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The problem with this is the following. I could be loaded with loot. Lets say item level cap is 475. I could have a two hand 475 staff but the second I get a 475 wand my bag says “player does not have a 475 one handed weapon” and then i cannot trade that wand to my friend even though I want to delete it the second I get it.

I’ve never had that happen so wasn’t aware of it, if true. That is certainly something they could improve.

Just curious: does the game check only what you have equipped or what you have both on you and in your bag?

It checks both. But if you do not have any other type of weapon (ie two handed vs offhand or one hand) The game says that you cannot trade it. Even if its trash tier for you and the same item level of the weapon you already have.

It feels even worse when I get a trinket I do not need but its higher than what I already have. And I would probably have a better trinket but my friend had the same issue so he needed to just keep it in his bags until he finally got a trinket he can use at that item level so he could not trade it to me either.

I feel like “Let loot be loot” should also mean let players choose on how to distribute it. They plan to reduce the amount of loot we get per week but also want to have full control on who gets loot and on the persons ability to trade this loot.

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I agree with your notion, but I also understand where this came from.

Been playing since classic and a lot of “elite” guilds abused new players who couldn’t possibly have the DKP required to get gear. It was a constant stream of feeding the core and liked group and you would get scraps until you had either been around long enough to become them or were booted.

A lot of times it was a boot.

System protects players.

“but Classic has such a good community!”


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