isn’t really how it works for account actions. You’re supposed to handle such actions through the appeals system, and this thread is precisely why. We all know how upset people get when they’re suspended, but there really is absolutely nothing that we can do on the forums here. We don’t know what got you suspended. We don’t know the investigation process or details.
You will never have any account penalty overturned or addressed by posting here. The best that you’ll get is a moderator giving you minor insight into what got you chat banned, and they’re not even required to do that. They don’t have jurisdiction to deal with in-game account actions at all as far as I know. Making a post asking questions about account actions is usually tolerated as long as it remains short and constructive, but even then it is usually locked. This thread is more than likely to sanitized of the argumentative posts and locked, if not deleted altogether.
We know it’s agonizing, but this isn’t the way to help your account. It really isn’t.
They are just frustrated. Beating them with the no-no stick won’t help.
Please join in having some coffee or a beverage while we wait on a Blue, or maybe some sort of post from the Community Managers or something over on General.
Then I would advise to stop the bickering. You’re just as guilty (if not more) as everyone else of bickering. Don’t run into a room, pick a fight, then complain when people start fighting.
This is not the place for discussing these things. That would be in General.
What has happened to others is not relevant to your situation. What others may have done, not done, what their appeals say, if they get overturned or not…has zero bearing on your appeal.
And quite frankly, to add to Perl’s point, it kinda looks like you are fishing for more excuses you can use to try and get this overturned. While we all understand the frustration, the only thing you can do is appeal. Threatening legal action, trying to band groups of people together, bickering with other posters, none of it helps your situation.
A ban wave is generally thousands of accounts, so having 6-8 players in this thread claiming innocence doesn’t indicate any kind of issue. Taking all of you at your word that you did nothing wrong and they will all be false positives, that’s still a very immaterial level of false positives for a ban wave.
But either way, again, none of this is relevant to your situation. There could be a 99.9% false positive rate in this ban wave, but that doesn’t confirm that your particular situation is a false positive.
They already agreed to that. I think the OP has been informed, and already willing to stop any back and forth. Join us all for coffee or tea. All the info that can be given right now, has been.
I hope so. A little insight would be absolutely welcome at this point. Today is day 2 of my suspension and it’s very discouraging/disheartening for this 20 year veteran.
Well to be fair, it’s 6-8 who have posted here. This wave seems to be different from the usual automation ban waves (I never bot… well, except for that fishing script) or RMT waves (I never buy gold… well, I did sell one Peacebloom to a level one Mage named Xxgoldmulexx for 250k). Anyway, if these folks are, in fact, innocent collateral damage, hopefully the correction comes quickly for them and anyone else unjustly penalized.
Ugh… I know you’re joking, but that would be horrifying.
Just to get a feel for things, and see if there is a common denominator. Did any of you do a lot of fishing or mining in the last few months? I was working on my Algari Weaverline and Algari Seekerline Achievements for Khaz Algari fishing, which takes a LOT of fishing, and in the process I would sell that fish on the auction house. While flying around for fishing pools I would mine any ore along the way.
I was getting in the habit of fishing blood in the water while I farmed weathered crests from orbs in Hallowfall. I spent like a whole day doing it once. I do have the Weaverline thing active. I sold a lot of sharks during that, it was prob within the last 2 or 3 weeks.
Neither of these should be the issue. I go on farming binges and fishing binges too. As long as you don’t use any automation to do it, you are fine.
Selling basic consumables/crafting mats on the AH is also not an issue. You have zero control over who buys those. They just get dumped into the massive pool of fish being sold.
The AH actions I have seen were related to selling specific items to the same customers for illicit gold, or pricing a grey bear butt item for 500k so that a gold seller can “buy” it to transfer gold.
Unless someone cornered the whole shark market and was the only shark seller, and those sharks were being bought by primarily accounts using illicit gold - I can’t see any issues with just selling stuff you farm up. Chances of the average person controlling the market to the extent that they can funnel illicit gold is unlikely.
I still think this is a false positive or it is for something else and they had the wrong category on the account action email.
I don’t work there though and guessing is just going to take us in circles. None of us here have the info. We can only wait and see how it all shakes out. It tends to take a few days for the Hacks team to go back through the detection criteria and correct it if there is a false positive.
As has already been mentioned, the only way to appeal an account action is through an appeal ticket.
That said, issues with gold/RMT are usually pretty clear-cut. Gold is by far one of the easier things to trace.
Not everyone posting here is on the account in question, so I could only look into a few of these but in every case I could, it does appear there was an association with an exploitive account - and gold.
Doesn’t mean you were necessarily aware. That’s one reason these usually get a relatively light suspension. Whereas the exploitive accounts get banned.
All this talk of the AH - no, just no. The only time action is taken related to AH sales is when it’s clearly a case of gold laundering through the AH. The aforementioned peacebloom for many thousands - for example.
Some time back we had a spate of folks that received gold from very low level characters as a ‘trade’ of gold on retail. It’s important to be aware of possible red-flags in those you deal with ingame. That would be just one example of one of them. Sometimes folks will sell something and get the gold delivered likewise - very low level character. Insist their ‘main’ do the trade. Someone else buying gold for delivery to YOU - you still received the ill-gotten gains.
If someone is doing gold runs but advertising on low level characters - not only is that reportable - but a huge red flag of an exploitive outfit.
I know it’s not possible to know everyone you deal with ingame, but if significant amounts are involved, it does pay to at least be skeptical.
Edit: The ban was just overturned. Thanks again for your thought-out response to a tough situation.
Thanks for this reply.
To be clear, as the OP, I know this is a long thread now:
I did not trade with anyone to receive or disburse gold.
I did not gain gold in any other way aside from professions and AH, and playing the game.
I do not and have not traded gold or received gold for M+, raid, or any other kind of carry.
I am not part of a guild that sells runs, I don’t even raid with them.
I did trade someone the Hallowfall rare mount spawn last week, but I gave it away for free. This was a random person who killed the rare along with me but was not in my group.
I did open a ton of reagent bags and then list the contents on the AH.
I did transfer about 12m gold from all my characters to the warbound bank.
I did buy the Bruto mount when it came out with real money from my bank account.
So even though I appreciate the info, I am at a loss. I guess I can hope when human eyes analyze this that they can figure out what happened.