I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

thanks for doing what the other guy did and ignoring the point.
If you two are here to troll let me know so I can proactively ignore you.

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I am not the one that is sitting in ignorance. This is proven by your lack of communication and very strange responses.

Thing is you cant just slap “LGBTQ+” on everything and expect people not to challenge it.

Just because has some letters on it doesnt mean we have to take it for face value and not look beyond it. These letters do not make anything untouchable or inferior.

You are in fact the one doing the damage here and choosing to sit in a world that doesnt exist and think we all have to cater to your imagination.

That isnt the way the world works

You want to argue laws I am glad to do so, you want to sit there and just shout now that I am the uneducated one because I challenged you to prove your comment.

Well, we know who isnt living up to full potential.

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Here to enlighten you about the facts.
There is violence against people who are inspired by their religion in this country and christian preachers are helping it along.

only thing youre actually doing is proving your own ignorance.

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Your religious beliefs and your definition of christianity isn’t the point here.
You’re ignoring the fact that there are christian preachers who are calling for laws to put to death Gay people.
It’s not my problem you don’t think they’re christian. It’s besides the point.
You’re ignoring the reality of zealots being inspired by their religion.

Im literally not.
that would be you.

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I made this all easy as cutting playdoh
but somehow it eludes you

show me WHERE it says 'EXCEPT for the gays"

Okay, I have stayed out of this one too but we are going to need proof. You cant just shout this and not be able to back it up with real claims. We are going to need transcripts, law suits, or video evidence. Not just some mage goblin on the wow forums shouting ever comment.

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Again, I’m not going to argue with you about your personal belief system. It’s clear there are other christians who disagree with you. You can take it up with them.
I stated a fact. You can try to deflect and ignore but it’s not going away.

FALSE christians who ARENT OBEYING the bible ARENT christians at all.
sorry if your HATE keeps you from accepting that fact.

we’re done here.
YOU are as HATEFILLED, BIASED and PREJUDICE as those you claim to oppose
perma blocked

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I’d bet there are a lot of people abusing easy access to victims that aren’t “real trans” people. That said
there are predators in every group and intersectional nonsense doesn’t make any group pure of it. Giving people easy access or authority over victims is something that will attract that kind of person. Just look at the Catholic church assault scandals.

Predators, of all stripes, should be called out and prevented from having that option.

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My main case is that we never really heard much at all about Trans assaulting anyone, especially women in the bathroom, until this straight kiddie groper sort got involved in the cause.

The real trans had been using the RR they wanted to use for years and if anything, it was the pick up truck driving yokels who might have realized it was a trans who caused any of the violence I ever heard about up to then.

and sadly enough the straight kiddie groper (man this censor is quite juvenile) in question using the trans cause for his own sick agenda has literally put trans in danger they didnt need to be because now people who never cared if a trans woman used the girls bathroom are having to second guess the whole thing.

I hate to get back onto that false brethren thing but Christs words say if you dont do the will of the Father, you aint a his follower.
I dont think I ever read a passage in the bible that says anything about groping children being ok, so

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You were done a long time ago when you refused to accept the reality of christian preachers teaching hate. They’re still working at changing laws and they are your fellow christians.

The only hate here is from you.
BTW, I’m not your son.

One of the problems that would lead to the backlash is activists within the community leaping to the defense of individuals like that. There is a lot of defense of predators by activists in many groups because they think trying to brush it under the rug is a better look than admitting there is a problem and calling it out. It ends up making them look, as a group, like they condone the behavior and protect the offending person.

One of the reasons I insist that being an individual first and member of any “community” second is a healthier way to handle things. You don’t get hung up on defending members of your in group when they prove what they really are.

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I see I have you on ignore.
A simple google search and you will find the facts. I can’t post links.

absolutely AGREE!
and you cant even get those in here chiming against ‘christians’ to admit that there is ANOTHER religion whos acolytes are actually murdering gays on this planet here and now today
not just ‘preaching’ against them
yet as I said a couple times now
they ignore that religions sins against innocent gays who have harmed no one.

Lots of reason to cover the crimes up
dont want to look bad in the press. Kinda sick if you ask me.
Id out my own damned mother if she was abusing a kid. People who do should be rotting in prison cells.

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You said this much better than I did.
Thank you. :hugs:

Again, back to this. People come on here and make claims then want to yell “google it!” instead of producing anything themselves. Typical.


I mean they did tell you you could jsut google it, and guess what I just did that for you.
I can’t post links so you’ll ahve to look it up yourself to confirm, but

Stedfast Baptist Church’s website says the government should impose the death penalty for homosexuality.

Dillon Awes of the Stedfast Baptist Church in Hurst said gay men were predatory p##ophiles who have either committed sex crimes against a child or just haven’t had the opportunity to do so yet, leading him to the conclusion that “We need to put these people to death through the proper channels of the government.”

So there you go, Dillon Awes Pastor of the Stedfast Baptist Church in Hurst.

You could have googled that yourself in ten seconds and saved me the troubble.