I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

I want fewer laws attempting to outlaw the public existence of LGBTQ+ human beings. I’m far less concerned with what happens in WoW, as long as there’s never an analog of the “don’t say gay” policy in the game.


You have GOT to fill us in on all these civil rights cases…

All I read from this is that fish n chips is on the menu

I just finished work and it’s 11pm rn. So I’ll sleep in a couple of hours but gotto wake up early tmr :confused:


This is an interesting tendency on the part of forums participants. Someone refers to a legal/cultural issue “out there” in the real world, and almost before you can hit the submit button, there’s someone asking you to provide them with information.

Then I tell them to google it because the information is easily accessible by anyone with even a shred of curiosity.

And then they get all mad about having to actually do anything to educate themselves and expecting to be spoonfed information that they can then just deny because it “sounds sus”.

Google it. If you were actually in the community and impacted by the issues, you wouldn’t be taking the stance you’re taking.


I know this is old but if someone does not say what their orientation is, do you assume they are straight?

I’m so over everything having to be gay.

Can we please for "@&+ sake move on from this sex obsession identity stuff already?


Yeah cause ppl wanna just forum pvp not actually reach common understanding

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It’s something that gets a pass by society, however, when it comes to a video game where we all use WoW to escape in our own ways, we really shouldn’t tolerate it. Thank you for being willing to post your thoughts. Not many people with your message actually post anything. It’s nice to see.

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No, this is you making a claim on a whim with no supporting evidence of this and just saying “look it up” which if you are an educated person would know that isnt the way this works. You have an argument, now, state your evidence and prove to us where and how all these laws should be erased and those that make them should be on trial for civil rights violations.

I will wait.

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I need more mana bomb representation please!

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LOL you’ll be waiting a long time.

The fact that you are sitting there, propping yourself up into some false position of authority, as if you are a customer at a restaurant waiting for your spam mac & cheese, stubbornly refusing to leave until you have been served.

I’m not your mom, your teacher or your waitress.

Google it or stay ignorant. We aren’t here for you.

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Typical response…

No proof just a bunch of shouting.

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youre joking, right?
There is a religion OTHER than Christianity on this planet TODAY that DOES exactly that in other countries.
Even in the USA many of that religions adherents speak very vocally against LGBT.
yet we choose to focus on ONE religion in this regard and ignore the other.
I find that strange

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The reason that Christian anti-gay zealots in the US and UK don’t enact their sort of fatwah against LGBTQ+ people is that there are constitutional structures and laws that prevent them from doing so. Take away those protections – and there are all kinds of laws being proposed across the US attempting to do just that – and Christian anti-gay zealots will do their worst. All they need is permission and opportunity.

Pointing out that anti-gay Christian zealots want to enact violence on LGBTQ+ people is not, in fact, ignoring other countries where such violence is state-sanctioned.

We’re trying to prevent it here, where we live, because this is where we are.

Your misdirection is as buggy as the hunter talent.

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This is literally just a person who has the capacity to gain information for themselves and they’re acting in bad faith saying, “If I don’t open my eyes, and you refuse to describe the contents of this room to me, then the contents don’t exist and you’re just shouting.” Lazy. Bad faith. Manipulative.


nice attempt to ignore everything I said, thus proving my entire argument, lmao

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No, we have all heard of the little boy who cried wolf. You keep shouting wolf and every time we look there is nothing that even remotely consist of facts.

There are no laws attempting to outlaw the public esistence of LGBTQ+ human beings.

You just wanted to shout that and feel, I dunno, something.

You start naming these laws and I am sure we can find solutions but if you just yell wolf over and over when something does happen, no one is going to listen because you have in fact done yourself and others a very bad disservice.

You said it yourself in the next couple of comments. “there are constitutional structures and laws that prevent them” (from making such laws)

You cant have your cake and eat it too…

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Like I have said before and will continue to say, if you refuse to educate yourself, then you can sit in your ignorance and doubt everything you hear. This is about your inaction, your lack of education, and your utter lack of curiosity about the real-world plight of marginalized people. I live every day in one of those marginalized communities, so I am very aware of and educated about the social, economic and political forces that are actively seeking to take away my humanity and citizenship. If you don’t care about that, fine, you don’t care about that. But you can’t sit in ignorance, refuse to seek information, and then claim it’s my fault that you don’t know anything.

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what it is…son…its your lack of comprehension as to who BIBICAL christians are and who ‘false brethren’ are.
To be fair to you…many times THEY dont even know the difference.

What the bible ACTUALLY says…

GOD judges those outside the church…BIBLICAL christians not only do not have that authority, but are literally told very plainly that they arent allowed to

I wrote to you in my epistle not to associate with fornicators. Yet I certainly did not mean with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world!
But now I write to you not to associate with anyone named a brother, who is a fornicator, or covetous person, or an idolater, or abusive person, or a drunkard, or a swindler–not even to eat with such a person.
For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside?
Do you not judge those who are inside?
But those who are outside God will judge. Therefore “put away from yourselves the evil person.”
(1 Corinthians 5:9-13)

The second Fred Phelps and family went on the attack against those outside the church, they proved they were NOT obeying scripture.

THIS, son…is THE BIBLICAL way…

If possible, as much as depends on you, keeping peace with all men.
(Romans 12:18)

SHOW me where it says ‘except for gays’ there.
I can wait.

Some BELIEVE they are christians…even showing sign gifts…and they ARENT Biblical christians at all

"Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name we cast out demons, and in Your name we did many mighty works?’ "And then I will confess to them, ‘I never knew you! Depart from Me, you who work iniquity!’
(Matthew 7:21-23)

so when you say ‘christian’ that means nothing.
I know a list of ‘christians’ who cheat on their wives, steal, lie and cheat.
And they ARENT BIBLICAL christians literally at all.

Of course not.
Ignoring christian preachers who yell this from their pulpits isn’t useful or smart.