I want more LGBTQ representation in wow

Lul @garrison customization

Didn’t they add the barber shop for that?

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Thanos was right.


So, you found one crazy pastor in how many across the south? I mean, there is a church on every corner so do you want to actually break out the statistics on this and then also see just how common it is for anyone to act on this as well?

I mean, there has to be hundreds for this to even make a dent in an actual religion. You find one weirdo, I bet there is at least one on the other side of this that will cancel this guy out.

Come on, you are going to actually have to show proof this is a real issue and not a select city issue. One church isnt going to do anything in the millions of churches. What you guys are claiming is that this happens in almost all of them. Steadfast is just one church in hundreds of thousands if not millions.



STILL waiting for the ‘except for gays’ part…anyone?


Repay no one evil for evil; providing that which is good before all men. If possible, as much as depends on you, keeping peace with all men.
(Romans 12:17-18)


To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”
(Romans 12:20)

“…but the apostle is speaking of the natural effect or result of showing him kindness…”


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Oops, my bad. Sorry for helping someone.

Perpetuating a LIE helps no one.


Yep, the news is a complete lie.

Well I’m off to fix breakfast. Laters.
:point_right: :point_left:

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No, saying something is a fact across a complete religion and saying that it is a massive issue when it seems that it is in fact very very very rare is telling a lie.


I want to see more Warcraft themed things in this game.

The other things are represented too much even.

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Your post has been necro’d countless times, but still only has a few likes. I could do without the agenda vomiting all over the current storyline.

If lgbtq is implemented well, then sure why not… if I have to help centaurs come out to their ancestors again… then pls no.


for those who ARE actually interested in the details…Paul himself speaks about ‘false brethren’ who slimed their way into the church, mentioning them in Galatians 2:4
Here are a few renderings from different bible versions (which have to be so much different than any other version in order to get a copyright. They convey the same thought processes, but rendering in various manner in english for the copyright sake)

and that was because of false brothers secretly brought in

Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in

We went there because of those who pretended to be followers

Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in

and that because of false brethren unawares brought in

But because of those false brothers stealing in

and that because of the false brethren privily brought in

Christ said follow the will of the Father or they ARENT His and will be rejected on that day.
Fred Phelps and his sort are hate filled piece of garbage. He DOESNT represent BIBLICAL christianity.
Some of you can keep playing your little hate game yourself, trying to bash an entire religion over your biases and hate, then exonerating ANOTHER religion that actually does murder gays even today…but you aint fooling anyone with your lack of education here.
BIBLICAL christians arent allowed to judge those outside the church. We discern sinful behavior, but JUDGMENT is gods alone.
And we fully understand that there are those FAKE believers out there who ARENT His…who ARENT biblical christians.
You can make the choice to accept the facts here…or hold on to your own hate filled bias and lack of education…and that choice is on you, no one else.

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False information is a lie.
Ive already made my case.


As a long term player, who can see you posting like this on your alt…

Change has already happened in the game. Just because YOU, the individual, are not fully aware of every lore tidbit. That you, the INDIVIDUAL, are not aware of every character or lore tidbit that might pertain to the LGBTQ community in general…Does not mean it is not there.

Also, I have to say it used to be 0% representation…but now, its more like 15%. Progress is change, and change takes time if it is to ever happen.
Or would you rather Blizzard just pretended they cared and just randomly converted a characters’s established gender/sex/race/what-ever-you-feel-like-naming…

Is that what you want? Soulless cash-grabs like what companies do during Pride Month?

“It’s Pride Month, and the people at Koka’kola Inc, TM, want you to know we support you for the next 43,200 minutes, and not a second longer. Also only in some countries and definitely not in any country that hates the LGBTQ at all”

Or would you rather just find out casually that the farmer, who asked you to gather 10 boars stomachs, is also looking for his missing spouse…who you then find out is a man when you find them in a cage at the back of a mine…

Do you want well written LGBTQ characters or lore additions (or rewrites in some cases, I am aware)…or do you want a soulless attempt at making you feel welcomed…

Change takes time. And times change, old man.


Seems like a few in here want cheap and easy ‘representation’ while others want QUALITY and TASTE in how its done.

I find it pretty telling that when I mentioned that Id bet that 99% of the LGBT community would prefer it be done well…that it be fitting to the story…it was pretty much only ONE person who responded in any nasty manner, kinda confirming that its very few who want ‘cheap and lazy’ representation over something that suits the storylines and flows well logically.

Even if its a straight relationship, it can really cheapen the whole thing.
I love Bruce Campbells low budget work over the years.
But he did a season of ‘Jack of All Trades’ years ago and while its really something I enjoy, the over the top sex innuendo really took away from the series for me.
I bought it way back when and literally sold it used, first thing Ive ever gotten rid of Campbells. Took me years to want to try to watch it again

By the same exact token…I LOVED Ellen Degenres old comedy show in the 90s. Loved it.
Then she came out in 97, if memory serves…which we ALL knew she was lesbian anyway…no one really cared, we just enjoyed her show.
But after she came out it felt like every episode turned into her finding a girlfriend.
it was the same kind of thing with Bruce…it just turned me off to watching it after the story changed course.

Gay, straight…whatever…make it make sense, make it nice… and DONT go overboard.

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Thank you, much appreciated.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

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The case you’ve made is to pretend other christian denominations or sects aren’t part of the umbrella of christianity.
Pretending they’re not apart of your religious groups isn’t making them go away. In the end you’re actually adding to the problem by not admitting that your religion has it’s problems and needs looking at.
But that’s another discussion for another board.