I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Guess im not very shy.

Shrug. Different strokes, different folks.

Be a boring world if we all acted the same.

Indeed. Id give you a :heart: but im out for the day.

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Indeed. There are hundreds of examples of queer rulers who still did their familial duty.

But you see what my point is. Lots like to point to this passage but in reality it’s not establishing Anduin as heterosexual at all. Maybe depending on your views, but to simply suggest he’s established and nothing can change makes no sense.

Unless there’s more to this passage or there’s solid evidence to suggest Anduin is heterosexual, it’s safe to assume he’s not been established.

I do, and i still would prefer he not be shoehorned in as “representation” when he wouldnt be anything of the sort.

Hes never once made a comment about it, never once acted anything like it, and to do it now would scream “LOOK LOOK SEE WE CARE!”
Cant win here.

Anduin and Wrathion has been established since MOP, it’s one of the highly requested pairing in WOW.

If Blizzard put a poll here, in twitter, or reddit about most anticipated pairing and put Anduin X Wrathion as one of the option, they would win in a landslide.

Why did you revive this? It was dead.

Friggin people.

“Gallup finds 7.1% of U.S. adults identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or something other than straight or heterosexual.”

How can this be accurate at all?
We know that lots of people are closeted- and likewise, for various reasons, people will lie about being LGBTQ in order to raise their position in the intersectionality hierarchy for perceived social benefits.

In any case, if we’re to take this number to be accurate, do you propose that 5-10% of WoW lore-characters should identify as LGBTQ and be more open about it?

From what I’ve read on this thread, the only ones who are against Anduin being lgbt are those who are homophobic or can’t accept the lgbt community. It’s rather sad but over time these people will slowly be phased out by Blizzard and more welcome players will take their place. I say good riddance!

Is that how comfort and inclusiveness work? Do people need fictional characters created by multi-billion-dollar corporations to feel comfortable with themselves and included? Just keep in mind that if Blizzard doesn’t do it right, it will just be cringy and insincere.

People aren’t going to lie about being gay in a phone or online survey to impress pollsters. If anything the main driver of fluctuations in rates of LGBT identification is the willingness of bisexuals to self-identify. If it keeps rising as it has, that just means there could be way more bisexuals than people think—and maybe Anduin is one of them

So all the haters who keep talking about Anduin can’t be Wrathion’s boyfriend because he’s into female dwarves are just wrong.

I actually think if I were a closeted gay Alliance male living in the Warcraft universe, female dwarves are exactly the type of girl I’d pretend to be into

The way the attractiveness of the draenei woman is described in this passage just makes Anduin seem gay. “Elegant”? People forget that the biggest names in women’s fashion are those of gay male fashion designers, which means the people who are best at appreciating how elegant women can be, and how to make them more elegant, are gay dudes. The fact that she’s described as elegant and not hot or sexy proves Anduin is gay

tell me you haven’t played shadowlands without telling me you haven’t played shadowlands

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I mean, I’m a giant man lover myself… but I really dont care enough about any of the characters love life’s

Like look how annoying Thralls is, and how scenes with “OH MALFURION” and Tryhardandre make you just hope something comes along and kills them in the next patch

So Trans = Gay now eh?

no, there is literally a gay couple

What a surprise would it be that Wrathion doesn’t like Anduin and was just using him for his own goal.

i think its probably a good idea you play through the game before trying to canon-ise your fanfic

Nice bait.