I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

wtf is a straight ally?..lol.

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Lol I have no idea.

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A lot of gay people establish that they like girls to avoid being detected by homophobes

Really? Did you skip all these T?

I could go on. Sorry for those I linked here. Want me to go through your post history of every time you called someone a bigot or homophobic? I bet it’s far greater than a few trolls.

Speaking of trolls, ever post anything not contentious? Ever try not label people and actually listen to their opinions? Lastly, all the members of the LGBT who have spoken out against this by your standards are homophobic too, why is that?

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Since Anduin is a fictional character, everything said has to come from a writer, hence, he is straight.

I don’t know who you think you are, but I don’t appreciate you trying to slander me because of my own opinion.

That’s borderline harassment. Do you say this to every person you don’t agree with?

That’s none if your business what I post. You’re free to not like my opinions just as I’m free voice them as long as I’m following forum rules.

I agree with your topic’s premise, but this part is flat out not true

Flynn and Shaw

I personally picture Anduin being better of being single.

It’s not, using forum tools available is not harassment. I noticed you skipped over the other comments, like you labelling everyone with a brush like you always do. I encourage you to continue. I am hoping with this weekend’s influx that blizzard may finally clamp down on the lot of you, meaning the ones who post on multiple toons to control a very jaded false narrative, filled with false flags.

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You are posting on a public forum, everything you post is literally everyone’s business

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Not interested in your conspiracy theories. If you have nothing of value to add to my thread, I wish you best of luck!

Cool. Another dodge, figured.

I hope you have fun on your upcoming vacation! Enjoy the beach, the sand, the torches and pitchforks on whatever platform you hit next!

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A straight ally is someone who is straight but supports the LGBT community, unlike 90% of the people on these forums.


Several people have added value to the thread, but because they don’t agree with you… You proceed to call them Trans/Homophobic.

You know what that isn’t doing? Adding Value

I’m a gold star gay, and I have zero interest in seeing Anduin (or Wrathion for that matter) join the team. There’s to much history embedded with the characters to feel anything more than shoe horned in (and again, I re-iterate… every time they’ve shoved a relationship plot down our throat… ala Thrall or Tyrande) it’s been awful it makes you just hate the character’s because its just there… it serves nothing to add to the story or plot movement of the franchise

If you are set on having a character headline for Gender & Identity equality, than it should be with a new character and that relationship needs to have an actual meaning and impact … And not in the way they did with Pelegos which was just kind of side quest talk and really had no impact


ahh ok ty im to old to keep up with you kids and your terminology.

It’s pretty basic forms of terminology. You can easily google them. Have you tried it assuming this was a week ago? I gave you plenty of time to respond to her.

Why stop there, just remove the male gender completely, we’re almost there :smile_cat:

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You could transform him into smurfette

Agreed. It’d be nice to see it happen, but I don’t need it to happen. And if it does happen, I’d like something new and interesting that adds more lore and narrative points rather than just as a form of appeasement.

Also I’d like to add, as a gay man, that I don’t need representation in game to feel validated. Those people that need validation in game honestly sound like they lack some self-development and have some self-esteem issues that they need to properly address instead of using a WoW forum of all things as a proxy for their issues.

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That’s disgusting. Who cares about a character’s sexuality, who cares about someone’s sexuality in real life anyway? If the story is good or bad, it’s going to be good or bad without specifying a character’s sexuality. Keep your weird agenda away from everybody.