I really, genuinely hope Anduin is gay

Please cite exactly in text and lore when Anduin was established. I’m honestly curious as I’ve never seen any definitive proof. But you seem to have it so please help me understand.

Google it duder. Writers established Anduin liking Draenei. Its canon.

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Can you please help me find it? Because I cant find anything outside of 13 year old Anduin finding a particular dranei elegant (who doesn’t?). Is this what you mean by he’s established? I think if that’s the case, we have different ideas of what being established means.

Anduins first crush was a female dwarf guard I believe, he has also shown an attraction to female dreanei.

its not up to me to convince you. Other than the fact that YOU yourself said the writers have to confirm it. Which they did.


You know gay people can still appreciate the beauty of the opposite sex right?

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Seriously can we just leave this gay/straight stuff out of the game?

You’re just trolling, and you should be banned for it.

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Nah, he wanted to smash.

Pretty sure thats not what the author was going for, and you know it.

Look, im all for representation, but im against just willy nilly changing the entire character of an established lore person to do it. Dont just spew out some BS by changing someone. Make someone for whom it actually works.

That’s the passage I was mentioning in my reply to you. he found the Draenei elegant. But that does not establish anything outside of Anduin finding Draenei woman to be elegant. Just confused on how this establishes anything outside a young Anduin being fascinated by a Draenei woman (but really, who wouldn’t be, by their description alone?). That’s just my take.

Yeah that’s what people think when they see that Shaw and Valeera dialogue, oh they also mocked Shaw x Flynn fans back then.

Look where we are now.

If you don’t want to partake in this thread then stop replying and bumping this thread up… ffs. You guys really need to learn how to ignore stuff and move on. :roll_eyes:

Yeah I don’t care for that bs rofl. :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Elegance does not cause blushing. It causes admiration. Blushing indicates desire.

But again, we all see what we care to. Or dont care to.

Yeah that’s not true.

Certainly has been my entire life.

Are you certain youre ok?

He’s trollin.

He was eyeing those blue lips and you know it. He wanted to make some freaky babies with that blueberry.

Okay, maybe for you. Are you trying to say the experience is the same for everyone? Everyone is just wired to react the same way to a specific encounter or event? Hello?

Well that’s certainly a different take on blushing.

Most blush from shyness…like around a person you may be interested in etc.
Or embarrassment.

Not everyone blush’s from desire.