I kicked someone from my raid team and I got banned

So, I know GMs don’t monitor this, just curious about other people’s experiences (if any) with this.

My raid team had a toxic raid member. He would often trade players bleach if they made a mistake or /spit on them, just immature behavior, so I removed him from our raid team role in Discord and let him know he would no longer be raiding with our team.

Afterwards, he bought and had 200 gold sent to my main char. At first, I didn’t realize there was a return option, so I created a Blizzard ticket. After realizing I could return it, I did so and closed my Blizzard ticket.

Fast forward 5 days to today, and I have a 2-week ban for ‘acquiring gold through illicit means’.

I didn’t even accept the suspect gold that was sent to me.

Any other gold I’ve been making has been through selling summons. Another theory proposed to me was I was mass reported for doing summons cheaper than others, but I feel like this would be ridiculous. I guess not any more ridiculous than me getting banned for someone buying/sending me gold, and me returning it then getting banned though, lol.

Anyways, not too sure what my best bet is. I made a new Blizzard ticket and have got 1 bot reply so far. I am not very hopeful an actual GM will look into my issue and see I didn’t actually buy gold or whatever they suspect me of doing.

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An appeal, if you’ve put it in the right category, will be look at. An appeal is having someone looks over the logs, doesn’t mean they will overturn the action.


And why would you even think that? First off, you are correct there are no GM’s here, but secondly, This is not a forum to poll to “get the experiences of others”, if you want discourse that is in General, this is a Help Desk for players by players. You did the right thing putting in an appeal, now you need to wait on the results.


because i’ve done support for large gaming companies and I know how it goes lol.

I was curious if others have been through anything similar and could help provide info on how to be sure my appeal is properly processed.

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There are not bot replies. They are TEMPLATE replies. It is not AI, it is not bots. It is not automated. It’s been stated over and over and over again by the SFAs who moderate this forum.




Unless it was for Blizzard, you very much don’t. And even if this is true, then you well know how templates work. They cut down on the time it would take to write each individual appeal response and they keep the information going out uniform.

You also don’t know if you received illegal gold for offering your summons. You’re assuming the suspension is coming from the kick/unsolicited gold but you’ve no proof that is the case.


The title was a bit clickbate, I am assuming that is the reason because I don’t know what else would have flagged it.

Someone paying me with gold they bought is also a possibility, but hopefully that is something a GM can see.

I suspect and this is pure speculation that he bought the gold and sent it tou knowing ud get banned
But please apeal gms will look at it a real.person not ai or.a bot.


Yeah, obviously that is why he did it lol.

Oh, they will. Unfortunately that wouldn’t absolve you if you received tainted gold. If you’ve swapped gold between game iterations - while the practice itself is allowed - it is unsupported and poses great risk to both players participating in the transaction. I see in your SoD variant of this thread, you mentioned that you participated in GDKPs before the season 2 rule change went into effect. Investigations do take time. Aside from most social sanctions, rarely are recent actions the cause of what sanctions roll out. It can take days, even up to several weeks for investigations to conclude. So even receiving gold from back before the practice was fully banned, it might have taken this long for the investigation to happen and you’re just now being hit.

Perhaps one of our SFAs can offer some insight, but it’s never guaranteed.

Regardless, appeal and appeal again. Most of the RMT sanctions that have sent people here in droves are upheld, but just earlier today someone else had their appeal overturned (though it was for a different sanction entirely), so the appeal system does work.

You’re allowed to appeal and keep appealing up until you’re warned no more will be accepted. I do wish you good luck with your appeals and going forward.


A template answer is not a “bot reply”. All account action and appeals are done by humans and the letters sent are also selected by those humans.

I worked for a major computer software/hardware company on their support line. We used template answers back in 2003. Templates are used to give a consistent message to similar inquiries… They are also done to speed up the handling of tickets.


The account I am posting here with is not the account that was banned for additional content. You can’t post here when banned it seems.

The blues can see that but it still wont matter this wont bypass the ticket system.


Yeah, this is in SOD

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Stop spreading lies. It didn’t happen.


Yet here you still are, giving them money, attention and time. If you’re so disgruntled, surely there are other properties out there that are more to your liking.

I will never understand why people who are so embittered exist only to spew their venom and continue paying for something they dislike.

That said, I’d be mindful of the fact you’re doing it in the most heavily moderated forum there is. What you like to go on about in the GDs won’t necessarily fly here. Keep it up and you may well find your posting privileges in peril.


Most posts I see on here asking for a blue reply get answered, so probably tomorrow or whatever you’ll have an answer :slight_smile:

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This is being looked into further.


Thanks! Should I expect to hear something back in my ticket?

Yes, but it may be a little longer than usual.


Okay, I appreciate that info. Any general estimate on how long it may take?

Also as I am sure you see, the account I am referring to being banned is not this one.

I assume you all should see the suspect 200g sent to Peanutbutta on Crusader Strike in SOD , and the ticket created from that account

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