I honestly dislike NEEDING a legendary

When I first started playing back in vanilla I didn’t think I needed anything but a solid rotation and some good friends.

The more you play the more you learn that it is necessary to have all the things that make you a good friend.

Sure, you don’t need anything but man it feels good to have everything.

If you want a basic game classic is waiting for you.

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You don’t need a legendary.

Hard disagree. I would rather pay 10x the cost in gold and Soul Ash than be subject to the whims of RNG like we were with Legion legendaries.

They are still hands down the worst system WoW has ever had.

Ya I refuse to do that I choose my legendary and coven based on what I wanted to play and haven’t changed it since.

Legendary in WoW Classic - A crowning achievement that took the efforts of 39 other people.

Legendary in Shadowlands - Spend gold/buy WoW token.


The Ash/Cinder/Flux currency creates the illusion that it isn’t a pay-2-win system. Two wrong makes a “right” in the eyes of many players - a bad mandatory chore at least existing means that you can’t simply pay your way to victory, and therefore the fact people are paying gold is somehow “mitigated” in the eyes of many players.

Yeah, I hate this system. It’s just straight up pay 2 win nonsense, it’s potentially the worst feature still included in this expansion.

Shilling for my own thread again, I really think Blizzard needs to just let us buy rank 6s with leggos. Blizzard can fill their pay-2-win quota with Rank 7s, but less hardcore / less P2W players can feel satisfied with their experience -

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blame it on the people who wants things they can’t have and demand blizzard they should have it too because they paid their $15

I don’t disagree… But I only did torghast for my first leggo. Since then I have made 2 more just on ash and cinders from questing, boxes, and mission table rewards

It is not wrong.
As I said, normal people don’t spend their lives in the game to farm enough gold. It’s not an hour a day, you yourself said you spent tons of hours daily. Or were just lying.

It IS impossible to afford the game with gold earned in-game. Cuz playing a normal amount of time doesn’t allow you to afford it. You’d need to spend so many time doing stuff you don’t want to do before getting to the stuff you want to do.

Not everyone lives in the game like you, and for people like that, most people, most people by far, IT IS impossible to get that gold in-game.

I’ve said numerous times… I do about an hour of chores a day… and MOST of that is mount farming rares that I could easily skip

Just yesterday I opened 4 paragon chests. Easy 12k gold. Easyyyyyy

You’re just a whiney little baby who is terrible at the game. Inefficient with their time and for some reason can’t just admit either they don’t know, or are lazy and would coin regardless of how easy gold was to get.

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So you’re saying you should waste you time playing a GAME doing boring and easy content just so you can do the fun and engaging content you actually want to do… and you seriously don’t see the problem with that?

“Costly” as in time or money or effort :slight_smile: . To make Elementium or a Sulfuron Hammer it takes number of drops which take time to accumulate unless you are luck enough to have a number of people funneling resources.

I was also comparing Vanilla legendries to the other legendary acquisition. from later expansions were we had story lines and fairly high or guaranteed drops to progress in building a legendary.
I also didn’t say it was impossible to have fun while crafting vanilla or SL legendries. What I was saying is that Cata, MoP, WoD had more refined legendary crafting with fairly interesting and engaging stories attached to the process of building legendary items.

I was talking about “progress able legendries” Not RNG drop like Legiondaries, TBC Legos, and the Sylvanas bow.So in that regard I am with you.

I know some people like the obscure drop farming but I am not at all in that camp. The Sylvanas bow was acquired by less then 1% of wow accounts (The FOS is account wide). So that is at least less then 20% of Hunters who killed Sylvanas got said bow on any difficulty.
That is even worse considering the ability on the bow was worth at best 10 item levels on large AOE pulls compared to other weapons. To me that isn’t much of a legendary if a Mythic Sylvanas Bow will not even outlast Heroic in the next tier XD

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I don’t find it boring lol

So that’s a pretty subjective opinion.

Idk I ranked on multiple characters for gear upgrades. Hundreds of hours doing BGs. Some people just game.


Paragons have 3.4k gold each in them lol

And your calculations were “calling gold x 365” LOL woah great math.

Nevermind anima quests, missions tables, WQ gold, paragons, etc etc.

You make about 30 to 40k a week per character in passive gold. Sometimes more sometimes less. That includes AHing rewards you’ll never use like the new leggo craft item that AH for 30k EACH on my server and I have sold 5 of them in 8 days.

If you could make the gold for a max level legendary doing pvp I would be happy. I just really wish it wasn’t tied to crafting.

Sounds like a great idea. I love that.

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Lmao you’re really bad at this game. Gold is brain-dead easy to get.

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Honestly, the best way to implement legendaries is by making them something the whole guild has to work toward, but apparently 90% of the player base actually hates their guild or guilds in general. Legendaries were done right from vanilla through Cataclysm.

But if it’s something that everyone is going to get to have, this is probably the right way of doing it. There’s no RNG, which is something players REALLY complained about in Legion.

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Blizzard invented the WoW Token just for this scenario. They get cash you get legendary!

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