Please let us buy prefabricated Rank 6 leggos in 9.2.5

For a nice chunk of Cosmic Flux, please let us just buy Rank 6 Legendaries straight up. No memories, no Missives, no base item.

Right now if you’re playing a deep-discount alt you’re using a rank 3 leggo… and nothing seems to be changing that in 9.2 at this point. You’ll be able to equip the 262 unity belt which is great, but your other 225 budget leggo is falling even further behind in relevance. That’s bad. People want to be able to play an alt and not feel like they have to pay 10-20$ real life dollars for a single item on a single alt.

Keep Rank 7 leggos as is, only accessible via Progenitor Essentia, crafted with Missives, and with memories required. All that is solid stuff that’s great for players mains or even alts they’re pushing content with. But it feels bad that what would be a highlight item on your 5th alt is actually the lowest ilvl piece of equipment you have (226 greens surpassing the stat budget of a 225 rank 3 leggo).