I honestly dislike NEEDING a legendary

Most changes, other than class balancing after WOTLK seem to be pretty terrible it seems. Other xpacs had some good ideas, but overall direction concerning raids, what’s considered “difficult” and content is getting sorta old.

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I recently crafted the two remaining legendaries from vanilla, Sulfuron Hammer and Thunderfury, and not only did I have a great time, I didn’t spend one coin making them so I am not sure what you are on about.

A free 4k gold… close enough?
Do you even play the game, there’s a reason no one does that stuff.
Making 35k gold WOULD be an insane waste of time.

If you like to waste your life farming gold in-game that’s you. THat’s not what most people do. Most people understand that that ridiculous.

Lol you just asked a guy who does all of it every week on two characters if he plays the game.

Every calling, every anima weekly, tons of paragons.

I bring in 50 to 60k passive gold a week playing for 90 minutes in the morning doing my “chores”.

You wana go back to tbc days where there is almost no easy gold and you’re farming strat for 4 hours just for make gold. Yeah no thanks.

Saw the 262 offpiece/offspec leggo I’ve wanted for a while dip down from 71k gold to 59k gold on the AH since last week, perhaps there is hope for us non-rich players :chart_with_downwards_trend:

I’m thinking once the price dips down to 45k-ish I might snag one. Hopefully the new season/raid being out will continue to put downward pressure on these prices - especially for my alts still wearing 210-235 leggos.

What I did for my 262 is just collected the korthite and bought the rest of the mats. Then gave a tip to my local realm crafter. Spent ~15k

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I can totally understand the heat from others with this statement, but the reality here is that this is a true statement. Playing just a conservative amount of time on 1 toon should yield about 80k gold every month. This is doing your callings and world quests every single day. I’d wager this is about 60-90 mins of your time played every day too.

Imagine if you did just callings and WQs for gold each day on 3 toons. That would be north of 250k/month, that’s a WoW token for just doing 3-4 hours of played time per day doing “chores”.

Now multiply this out if you farm stuff to sell on AH. I’m up 45k gold this week alone just selling ores and herbs. I’d expect to be at the point where buying a legendary isn’t a big deal for me by end of this month. (I just returned to the game 2 weeks ago).

Pretty much. You can tell how insanely lazy people are when they complain about not having gold in Shadowlands.

You will never need to buy a token to afford anything if you spend a little bit of time getting gold. I just dont get it…

That’s leggo hasn’t been bis since 9.1.

I mean…you don’t need one at all. You can play the content without a legendary all you want.

But if you want the extra player power you could buy a lower rank until you can get a higher rank.

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In Legion and even in Warlords of Draenor, I felt they had a solid Legendary item system

My point, is that not everyone considers it worth it to spend that much time in the game. Farming for something you could just pay 20$ for.

I still love the idea of ditching the Leggo system and instead give each classes 3 specs “sub specs” so to speak. Variations of each spec for players to choose which changes the play style of that class and that specific spec if that makes sense? And actually have them be viable/competitive in end game content…ya know?

Exactly. This is the reason Shadow Priests are trash now. They wanted to make all legendaries viable, so nerf the only one we use so they’re all equal. But that was just a massive nerf to Shadow priests. They can’t handle balancing everything and it’s a nightmare. It takes Publik 20 hours to sim what’s BiS for Shadow due to all the different combinations of Covenants, Legendaries, Set bonuses, Conduits, ect. The whole system is so bloated.

I am sick of having to change my conduits/covenant/Soulbinds/Talents/Legendaries depending on what kind of content I’m doing. Having to REMEMBER all the different combinations that are best for each individual thing, along with how the rotation completely changes depending on those combinations. Spending 20 minutes before jumping into a dungeon and going through a bleeping 10 point checklist to make sure I have everything set correctly.

I’m exhausted. This game is exhausting. Then throw in all the visual clutter from the raids, along with trying to remember which rotation am I supposed to be using for this spec and I just can’t.

I just can’t anymore.

And you say i dont even play the game… LOL

Idk sitting on a nice 500k from doing callings. Sure I make far more IRL in the time it took to do those callings…

Just do the callings during work. Win win

If you made more IRL, then you’d just be really dumb to waste time when you could just use your IRL money. Either that or truly have nothing better to do.

The thing is, as I said, instead of wasting a whole week, you could waste 1 day or even 1 hour in making 20$ and that’s it. You can just get the legendary and not mindlessly grind for stuff that isn’t worth it.

At the end of the day I don’t see what your point is. You are not poving that spending hours on hours in-game to make gold is worth it.

500k from doing a single 3 callings is impossible. Callings reward 3k-5k gold, all 3 of them.
Let’s say you get 5k gold. That’s around 10k gold a week. Which means you’d need to do this for 50 weeks to make that much money… FIFTY!

That’s a whole year…

If you don’t spend a whole year in this that would otherwise cost you 60$. I must assume you use alts, how many alts? This is what I mean when I say it’s a gargantuan waste of time. You’d need to truly, literally, no-life the game to do this.

And my point isn’t that that is a bad thing, but that in that it is NOT worth it.

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Bro. I like playing the game, why I play it lol.

I play as I work from home doing my dailies and making more than enough gold to buy whatever I need.

Now if a 291 leggo ends up being 500k each than yeah I would need to buy a coin. But if it ends up being 200k I’m fine.

You wanna coin then cool. Do it. But don’t sit here and say it’s impossible to make enough gold to play the game because I literally do it just fine and never have issues. My paragon chest and I get idk 2 or 3 a week give 4k gold each. 5k gold from anima weekly, 10k in callings a week. That’s already 25k a week per character. Not to mention all the stuff I get to AH.

I liked the rare legendary system. Didn’t care if it wasn’t for my class or weapon type.

It IS! Unless you are willing to spend an unreasonable amount of time in the game, such as yourself.

Most people don’t want to spend hours, weeks, years, in order to be able to get to the parts theya ctually want to play, which is, for most people, not just farming gold aimlessly.

If this was true I’m p sure they wouldn’t have made SL the easiest expansion to make gold in since draenor.