I honestly dislike NEEDING a legendary

i miss the time when i didnt need any at all.

as it stands now needing to spend an insane amount of gold to get two of them especially on a character on a whole different server i cant farm gold on :expressionless:

i really would like an alternate method of getting items to make legendries


I liked my classes just being classes too.


The blizzard accounting department wants 3 legendaries.


Not only do you have to spend a ton of gold on legendaries, but you are also forced to do Torghast to craft them. And then you have to do torghast all over again whenever you want to play a new class.

It’s not good.


In terms of a progress able legendary system I think SL will go down as one of the worst ones along side the Vanilla Legendries which had a lot of the RNG factor in place along with costly reagents. I give the Vanilla legendries some slack because it was there start of the game and they had little to no idea what worked and what didn’t.

The primary lesson I hope the team can take away from Shadowlands is this. Layering different player power choices and system is part of why players don’t feel like they have much choice. Having several overlapping systems makes it VERY hard to balance each one in combination due to all the spell and bonus interactions.

3 legendries might be balances against one another on paper but then we start looking at covenant choices, talent choices, conduit choices, and so on. The reality is non of these systems exist in a bubble and unless the team wants to weaken the attached power to the point that it dose not matter then they are caught in this problem they have created for themselves.

I hope the team sets back off of borrowed power entirely outside of tier sets and puts ALOT of effort in to improving and or revamping some specs and there accompanying talent trees.

I think having a SINGULAR legendary and not a “choice” would be ok now and then. Trying to add all this agency in an attempt to re invigorate peoples fantasy brains has not worked for the past 8+ years and it is unlikely to start happening even if they keep trying. Talents are more then enough choice and the team should realize that and double down on ensuring talents are meaningful and impactful choices a player can make on a day to day basis if they choose.


Blizz wants you to buy tokens. That’s the plain and simple truth.


sucks even more when every other patch makes your bis legendary change, be it what power or what gear slot it is. for me its happened 2 times already. as someone who isnt rolling in cash (think i got about 80k on my main atm) it feels like im going broke changing them every time.

i was about to change my legendary AGAIN caz it changed AGAIN but lucky i found out it changed to the cov one being the bio and the one i have being the 2nd best, so it dosnt matter on that part. it still changed what gear slot is best for it… so rip wallet… again (luckily i kept my non legendary bio item for that slot)

you can disenchant legs and have full soul ash cinder back then transfer it to your new main

There is one, but spend too much time on it and you’ll realize why legendaries are so expensive to begin with.


The thing is it encourages a healthy economy for professions, we lacked that in Legion and BfA and it made the armory trio worthless as a result.

I mean sure you can add recipes but crafted items can become outdated. Maybe if they offer an upgrade idk.

You don’t really NEED it for heroic raiding or mythic+.

But, then you also have to buy another or multiple new legendaries again which depends on pricing from servers. And since it’s a new patch now, those prices will be massively inflated.

His point remains valid.


It’s not an insane amount of gold if you just make it yourself… it’s sub 10k in vendor mats. Do a weeks worth of callings and you should be able to afford it.

I agree.
At least in Legion they were fun.

My BiS legendary is “gives your demon 15% damage buff temporarily. Or vice versa”.

How is this engaging or fun? Why do I need this random proc on my gear? In fact I would be in a better state if all Legendary items were removed as I wouldn’t have a 15% damage proc to depend on.


I’d pay double what I paid for legendaries this xpac than go back to

  1. raid leader rolls class that can use it and takes it first (ie. Glaives or thunderfury style legos), also random drops
  2. forced to do the raid and hope for drops to upgrade it. (mop and wod)
  3. random (legion)

Is there better systems? Yeah.
Have we had them in the game? No.
Could we just not have legendaries at all? Yeah

Shadowlands is the best style of legendary acquisition we have had if we have to have one.

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I have a legendary ring. I do not really need it.

90% of my play is RP. I help out occasionally with a guild mates dungeon but that is all.

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Agreed, they should go back to the old system where only a handful of people who really put in the effort would get a legendary at all.

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Very casual player. 3 legendaries made for this toon (because why not). 2 for alts. Not one token bought. I question your premise.


Legendaries should be those insanely rare items that you almost never see. Items that only a few players on your server have and every time you see one you get excited.

They should have dramatic appearances and visual affects. I’m fine not having one ever, if they were truly “legendary” it would add a long lost mystique to the game

MoP cloaks were the beginning of the end for legendaries.


Legendary memories should have been like enchants you apply to your existing gear to gain the effect, and the enchant requires a small amount of torgast mats to reapply


I really do not see the issue with legendaries being something you buy with gold. The crafting ranking system could use some work yes but the basic premise of crafters make a type of gear you cant get elsewhere I think is pretty good.