I honestly dislike NEEDING a legendary

I was talking about “progress able legendries” Not RNG drop like Legiondaries, TBC Legos, and the Sylvanas bow.So in that regard I am with you.

I know some people like the obscure drop farming but I am not at all in that camp. The Sylvanas bow was acquired by less then 1% of wow accounts (The FOS is account wide). So that is at least less then 20% of Hunters who killed Sylvanas got said bow on any difficulty.
That is even worse considering the ability on the bow was worth at best 10 item levels on large AOE pulls compared to other weapons. To me that isn’t much of a legendary if a Mythic Sylvanas Bow will not even outlast Heroic in the next tier XD

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I don’t find it boring lol

So that’s a pretty subjective opinion.

Idk I ranked on multiple characters for gear upgrades. Hundreds of hours doing BGs. Some people just game.


Paragons have 3.4k gold each in them lol

And your calculations were “calling gold x 365” LOL woah great math.

Nevermind anima quests, missions tables, WQ gold, paragons, etc etc.

You make about 30 to 40k a week per character in passive gold. Sometimes more sometimes less. That includes AHing rewards you’ll never use like the new leggo craft item that AH for 30k EACH on my server and I have sold 5 of them in 8 days.

If you could make the gold for a max level legendary doing pvp I would be happy. I just really wish it wasn’t tied to crafting.

Sounds like a great idea. I love that.

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Lmao you’re really bad at this game. Gold is brain-dead easy to get.

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Honestly, the best way to implement legendaries is by making them something the whole guild has to work toward, but apparently 90% of the player base actually hates their guild or guilds in general. Legendaries were done right from vanilla through Cataclysm.

But if it’s something that everyone is going to get to have, this is probably the right way of doing it. There’s no RNG, which is something players REALLY complained about in Legion.

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Blizzard invented the WoW Token just for this scenario. They get cash you get legendary!

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I’d like to see Legendaries be legendary again, like rarely seen and when you do come across a player with one it’s like woah.

To me a lego should

  • be a weapon
  • only come from mythic raiding however it’s sourced
  • should be OP AF (nobody wants a balanced lego)
  • should be disabled in rated PvP
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I think it is inaccurate (and unfair) to put the crafting of vanilla’s legendaries in the same category as the crafting of shadowland’s legendaries in any way, shape or form as the vanilla legendaries were simply unique items that required an investment of time, effort and, yes, luck to craft, whereas the crafting of Shadowland’s legendaries is another over-involved system.

Same and letting players choose the cost for most of the xpac was just so lame

We need another way besides Torghast to get the crafting materials.

I don’t want to have to slog my way through that on multiple classes just to play them.

I actually love this idea. It’s basically how legendaries worked up until MoP.

When they added guild levels and perks and achievements I had a blast working with my guild to get everything we could. Even spent a few hours in the tram area shooting the **** trying to get the critter achievement.

You can get a bunch from the mission tables.

You can mail both ash AND cinders now. So the only thing you have to do is go bankrupt. My DH had like 15k ash and 6k cinders so I mailed it all around to alts. They’ve barely seen torghast but they have the mats! Maybe not the gold though.

ah yes. the “your to lazy” argument gotta love these from people who dont know me or what i do.

sure 20k a week you do know i sustain my sub off my gold yes? i dont pay 15 a month for it that tends to put a dent into things when i need sub time over a legendary

This would be a much nicer system.

As I play around in D3 a similar system is liked. Go see the dude with the cube…change out 3 levels of legendary effect…do what needs to be done.

This would also help get less loved memories get tried. as is now…most basically see what top 3 choices are BIS contenders and ignore the rest.

Given cost of lego (varies by server, some are not on cheap lego priced servers) and for me torghast is despised I didn’t experiment here. Top wow sites hits. Show me top 3, who has best avg result as number 1…get it. Limited torghast time. I got my ash for 235…I am done kind of thing.

the one time I experimented left me going not doing this again. BIS to sites was the way. I do not doubt 5/5 guide authors saying this sucks. Tried it…and yes it did suck.

where as in D3 I go you know…I don’t need to be BIS here all the time. Chill farm session…lets use this thing I pulled off a lego for giggles. Sometimes you go damn, its more useful than I’d thought it be.

I disagree. The vanilla legendaries were great because they were actually Legendary! It was kind of cool to see someone have a hand of Rag or a Thunderfury, even if I knew I would never have one. Rare, that rare, made it interesting. Also the Legendary ring in MoP was cool too, in its own way because of the massive quest chain and story behind it.

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honestly i want legendries to go back to being legendary.

Legion legendaries had an inevitability that “true” legendaries (like Sylv bow, Rag Hammer/TF, etc) didn’t. Sure they weren’t as straightforward as “get currency, make legendary” like SL legendaries are, but they still have that inevitability.

The difference being that SL legendary inevitability is measured in weeks (or even hours nowadays), whereas while you’d get all your Legion legendaries eventually, have fun getting your legendaries in the reverse order you’d actually want them in.

It was entirely possible to get your BiS legendary the day you hit level cap, or over a year later.

That’s why I consider Legion legendaries to be the worst system. All the RNG of “true” legendaries, but all the expectation that you’d have it of modern legendaries.