I finally cancelled my subscription

Can you babies just exit tge stage without the drama speech. The game is better than it has ever been.

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Best of luck in your searches.
If you find what you enjoy again, hold onto it. If it’s a online game, defend its purity from those who seek to ruin it.

Atleast classic was “okay”

I feel ya so much. Im 38 and dealing with chronic pain dosent help.
I cant/dont want to spam 30 buttons a second anymore and gse seems really boring.
Addon knowledge and usage required for endgame is a turn off.
I have enjoyed meta/optimization but in truth it always leads me to quicker burnout so im not sure its really my jam.
I personally have more fun for longer when i play games intuitive/ naively. Thats just me tho and i think its partially generational.
I could whine on an on…
I dont mean to insult or judge the current game or generation, im just not compatible with it anymore. Lol i cant keep up with the changes and dont have much interest in whats offered anyways. I dont think the game or players should change for me ffs. its just human to want to vent about it with like-minded ppl

Btw, i am subed and will prolly buy every expansion until i die just to see whats new. Hopefully ill have my hospice nurse log me in when that day comes :laughing:
Nostalgia goes deep. Watching my brother play warcraft rts as a kiddo blew my mind. Diving into that world as a teenager in WoW hooked me.
Cant wait for Diablo 4!
World of Starcraft anyone?

So? Your opinion and experience aren’t interesting or unique, nor does it affect anyone else. Just disappear quietly like everyone else.

Bye Felicia.

Imagine being so bad at the game you gotta write about it in forums. Theres nothing wrong with the state of the game. Mythics and Raiding are just fine. Maybe some of the new mythics are under or over tuned. Thats about it. If youre playing with a bunch of individuals worrying about their parse they are just bad at the game too, just find a community that fits you and stop facebook quitting a 20 year old game what are you 12.

You guild sucks. Meet some new people.

Tldr…later alligator

its more than just DKs now rogues and ret pallies are also bots

vendor items exist too. I made more from 1 gdkp than a repair mammoth cost. Took me months to farm this in original.

52 here
Everquest was my first addiction day 1
Eventually came to WoW
Talk about a “cultural” progression change over time. I use to drive myself in maintaining requited item level being it was similiar to maintaining high AC/HP to be considered a major role in a raid. Though a hundred plus people raid we let our guild main tank take aggro with buffs thrown on them by Shadow Knights aggro buffs to maintain that aggro. Like WoW key players need to geared to accomplish the raid. I remember DKP being implemented to ensure guild participation. Later on Loot Counsel was developed in WoW. I lost my drive to compete for major roles in raid and just DPS or Heal as required. One key thing in EQ and WoW is know how to play your class. Also take breaks from WoW. I took a two year hiatus this time from WoW being it was becoming to involve with my time IRL. First break were deployments (4) and time spent at WTU unit from getting busted up outside the Wire. WoW was heavily frowned upon recovering from wound treatments being its an “escape” from reality. I will admit the times I have comeback to playing WoW I remain guildless and played to enjoy the game. Eventually I join a casual guild and not a hardcore guild. Joining a likeminded guild does help alot where we accomplish goals with bare minimum required just for tge challenge. As for gold buying. Who cares. Its 2023 and people are going to do it regardless to equip up. If your using that scale to “compete” then you lost out what WoW is actually about. Hanging with friends and doing dumbcrap together for laughs. Raiding and dungeons competition is good but if yoyr breaking your mentality to become “do all fail none no mercy” then you are not enjoying WoW as a whole but just a aspect of tge game itself

Vendor items don’t scale with gold on the server.

I appreciate what you’re saying and burning out on a game is real. But some of the things you’re expecting Classic to be just aren’t possible.

Classic is a solved game based on versions of the game that are over a decade old. It’s never going to feel fresh and alive. People try and parse because “progressions” isn’t enough on a game that was done 10 years ago. So fun is found in other ways - parsing, speed runs, Hardcore challenges etc… It’s all just players trying to keep an old game they love relevant.

What is really missing is proper innovation in the genre. The MMO formular has basically been stuck for almost as long - a decade. And there haven’t been too many truly engaging and innovative MMO’s out since then. Most of us came into WoW when MMO’s were very fresh as a genre and innovations were happening almost every month.

Perhaps it’s just time to let this one go, play something else - a different genre maybe?

I didn’t really notice any changes until I hit 50. Then things started to go down hill

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Deeply feel for you OP. Agree through and through.

Your subscription for World of Warcraft® Subscription - 1 Month has been canceled. You’ll no longer be charged, though you can still play until your current subscription expires on June 14 2023 10:07 PM (PST). Manage your account at any time on renewing your subscription!

Blizzard Entertainment


That’s later with the say 5 million gold long boy mount in BFA.

and even then people said P2W! Many were forgetting those with alt addiction in legion literally phoned in gold basically the whole expac. And wod table gold before that.

I’m almost eager for wrath to come to an end so I can cancel mine as well. Blizzard is a horrendous company. The game also has a horrendous community I won’t miss.
(This post is being unnecessarily censored by Blizzard until May 15, 2023 9:19 am.)

Obviously if I wasn’t enjoying wrath I would have done jumped ship long ago. I’m taking what I can get while it’s here. I missed round 1, and there won’t be a round 3. Even if they rehost another one, I certainly won’t be back again for it.

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You know, you don’t need to wait right? If you’re not having fun there’s nothing making you stay.

Good luck out there cowboy. Lemme know if you find anything.