I finally cancelled my subscription


I’ve subscribed since January 18, 2005.

I’ve seen everything. But let’s focus on the now.

I think - and some of you as well - I’m just old now, and in the old school category. Which is a little odd, I mean, I’m only 30. But it’s something about the way this game is played now by others that’s pushing me away. Sure, Blizzard did some things (or didn’t do some things … DK BOTS)

But. This game no longer gives me the fun and satisfaction it used to.

Gear is bought in GDKP’s. Gold is bought in copious amounts. Auction Houses are inflated, either because of gold buying or bot farming.

No one actually PvP’s.

Nobody wants to progress just to progress.

It’s all about the parse.

Focus is no longer on a guild; it’s all about the individual.

I’m off to find something else, but I think I’m just over this “gaming” stuff in general. People don’t play games anymore, they just play to try and make a quick buck. I’m out of touch with the generation.


Weird Al should make a parody song with that title from the song “its all about the bass”

I’ve been in the same boat as you. They should just release all the version expansions realms and lock them in with an RDF and non-rdf variant.

It would really be fun for someone like me a super casual now to play legion as a solo player to do all the old raids solo on an op demon hunter aka add some fun factor into the game. I dont even raid login anymore, its just the same old stuff, they took to long to release and progress the classic


As being older myself, i can relate to this. Only thing keeping me playing is ignoring most of that and playing with my guild which is like minded as myself for the most part. Best of luck on your future endeavors though. Youll always have the memories of what this game once was.


See you next week


Gold isn’t inflated.

The AH is fine because the bots keep up with demand.

Gold is literally meaningless unless you gdkp.

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I dont think this one is coming back chief


If you truly were quitting, you would just quit instead of writing a thesis on the forums that nobody is going to read.


Well I do have to ask, because I’m interested – can I has your gold?


You’re spot on OP. I’m a bit older than you and see the same issues. I’m down to only logging in to do the daily H+ and the 30min raids if I get a quick invite.

I’m almost out.


yeah those 8g flasks are really inflated.

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What exactly did you want a game from 15 years ago to provide? Did you think it was going to be a whole game or some how different?

And in all those years … your first post on the forums was to tell us you’ve unsubscribed.

Thank you for sharing on your sock puppet and we’ll see you later on a different one.


Found me a guild that doesn’t give a crap about parses. We do fine, relaxed raiding 10 man’s. I am one of the old schoolers as well. Don’t care to gdkp, don’t care to provide logs. Just enjoy playing to play, I even level! I am saddened there is really no dungeons happening bc people only raid log or boost.


“hello everyone, I am John S. and I have a problem “- “hi john “

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People are leaving and going back or not as long as WoW exists. You’re wasting yours and our time by posting pointless and salty farewell.


I’m getting close, I gotta be honest…


A wise choice. Im nearly fed up as well.


I’d rephrase this slightly, but I get what you mean. People don’t play games for the inherent fun of them, they are far more focused on playing games “right” in the sense of optimizing and tie their fun specifically to that process.

For me I find a lot more fun out of single player games because I am less compelled to play the “right” way and will just do what I find inherently fun. It can be hard to not gravitate towards optimizing as quickly and efficiently as possible because you are competing and interacting with tons of other players so to do otherwise can cripple your ability to do content.


Your only problem is you habe let other ppl convince you of issues that are not real.

You can say ppl buy gold all you want. Until you have proof of it, you are just running your mouth and dont know what you are talking about.

I have shown many times that botting does not cause higher prices on the auction house. Bots cause overly cheap prices. It only takes a small amount of brainpower to figure that out so i wont explain it again. Since 8 have done it many times and yet here we see aga8n, someone being a sheep and repeating and believing the stupid comments other ppl make.

I dont buy gold. Never have. I dont see why anyone would. Gold is pretty easy to come by now. I spend a lot of time in game and i spend a lot of that time doing stuff. Doing anything will gain you gold. Setting around or riding around dalaran will not make u gold. And more important, raid logging will not make u gold. I have joined gdkp and i have spent some of that gold on gear. I have bought gear from faction vendors also. I have even bought gear from other players that ctafted the gear with their profession. Most of the geaf buying is ok with you. But if i do it in a gdkp raid, it is somehow unethical to you. That is just ignorant. My gold is a reflection of my time spent playing. I will assume your lack of gold is a reflection of your playing style also.

Ppl like you are no loss to the game. You want everything handed to you or you think we all should share equally and rely on lucky rolls and cant stand that other ppl can actuallt earn stuff. I am sure you are also a left wing socialist.

Good luck in your search. I dont think u will like what you find. Every game has players that want to find the meta. There is no lazy relaxed liberal hand out games that exist. Maybe stick to tetris solo play.


Lol reminds me of the guild I was in a long time ago in retail that anytime someone started complaining about a bad parse, I would send this:

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