I finally cancelled my subscription


Are video games not meant to be enjoyed? If someone enjoys problem solving it on their own and they get enjoyment from that how is that dumb? Who cares? I have played MANY games where I read up on anything as little as possible and I get enjoyment from it. Who are you to say that’s dumb?

My guy we talking about the hobby of gaming, not making the world a better place.

You know you’ve won an argument when your opponent resorts to insults.

I am working on Arena Master on my rogue with a friend and he only has last man standing to get it, lots of us have glads in it, I have PvP titles on toons there. PvP is very popular in Wrath. You just need to know where to look.

But yea super hard to find PvPers now.

No. I would say there is deflation actually. The vast majority of stuff in the AH is so much cheaper than it was back in old WoTLK

There was WAY WAY WAY more bots back in original Wrath because /follow still existed in BGs. There is not even a tenth as many bots this time around.

You lie. OG wrath was perfect and bot free and had no gdkp ever! It also cured male pattern baldness and some terminal diseases too.

This was sarcasm in case meter broken. I being nice have 1/12 the og wrath population as bots. At 12 million+ players…1 million bots.

What happend from the last time to this time was more players played smarter the 2nd time

they said by the end of wrath the first time…damn, if only I did this from day 1 of vanilla. I’d be rich(er).

So on run 2…they remembered that and implemented that plan From vanilla redo.

its like skyrim. the first time we have no idea wth we are doing. Barring cheats we are usually poor till the end lol.

And on rerolls we know exactly what we are doing. I found my nice alchemy level fixer that makes nice gold too. By week 1 with little setup up time…I no longer have money issues.

Not one cheat code…I just found that kick butt alchemy recipe off stuff that actually grows in green houses.

that is what my setup is. Getting the falkreah player home built up to spam 3 growable items in the greenhouse. Money problems then die.

No it wasnt. Ever heard of glider bot? That was made for WoTLK and was used most during that expac. Glider bot was a WoTLK thing. So you’re the liar here if you wanna say that Wrath was bot free.

What upsets me is that is seems as though Glider is back. Really does seem like this is Glider all over again. These bots behave and act EXACTLY how I remember the glider bots of old acting. THEY are the reason for our AH being wack. It just requires someone to set the bot program up and come back from time to time to check on the computer.

Why it works so well is because you can actually run it to where you yourself are controlling your toon while running the software, you run all over where you want to go, you do what you want to do and the bot records all your movements and mirrors them into the game. So al the movements that an actual player did are now in the game.

And bots on a PvP server are even worse. any DK bot can kill any new low level player it encounters in open world PvP with so much ease that you wont even think it was a bot that did it. Not until Cata when they make Plate gear same effect as all other gear that DKs really fall out of popularity. Frost is considered a caster class. DK bot can one shot low levels in open world as a bot with ease. Wont be reported as a bot cuz you wont be able to tell. They will mount up and ride away and it will be just as if a player did it.

Lol…I put the long line this was sarcasm right beneath that.

I agreed with you. requote

I hear you. way too many have nostalgia blinders on here. I personally knew a botter/gold farmer from this time.

Not even the meme’d indonesians some go on about. Italian american actually. As in from the states.

Basicslly this if its not planned raid run or I cant find a raid during peak times within a respectable timeframe my interest fades. Had the energy before to run groups, spend hours spamming trade to fill, only to stumble upon some sort of fustration, most the time related to loot or sorry i didnt relaise this would take longer than 5mins, it takes a tole out of you after you experience it after 200 times.

Time is not respected anymore slowly this is coming to the realization for many.

Honeslty only interest left is the friends Ive meet and continuing the journey with them, possibly the point of wow to begin with.

Lmfao blizzard literally sells wow tokens. Buying gold is definitely a thing. Didnt read past that because you seem delusional.

Been in the same boat as OP for a few months now. As more people leave the game, the population that remains is increasingly left with people who you could never convince me are having genuine fun. It seems like most of the people still left playing Classic aren’t playing to have fun or even to escape from the world, but to fill a void in their life that a game can’t fill.


well for me, i expected pvp to be as fun as it was, its simply not. bots are half my team in bgs, arena teams are no longer formed so theres no accountability, its difficult to find partners willing to dedicate week after week. Its much easier to get pve gear than pvp gear, pve peeps can get carried, pvp good luck carrying someone to 2k rating. pve can get a good solid weapon and chest in one weeks worth of raid, pvp, youre looking at a month to get the points, nevermind the rating.

maybe if more people were pvping it’d be fun but theyre not

Yeah I’m tired of the gold buying loot %#^?!s myself. They spend 3-4 weeks buying crap then complain there is nothing else to do and blizzard caters to them.

Me and you read it. Your post is meaningless.

Lmfao. This is wotlk classic forum. Blizz sells boost and mounts but they dont sell tokens for this expansion.

Lol at you reading this and realizing how many ppl that read this will be laughing at you for making a fool of yourself. Lmao…

You do realize people buy wow tokens and convert the gold, right? Ive known plenty of people who do. So try again.

So lol at you for not knowing people do in fact buy gold.

I haven’t read a more entertaining post on these forums lo these many months gone by. God bless you and your traditional American values!

You do realize people cheat at a lot of stuff right?. The op has insinusted that all gdkp is majority gold buyers. That is not true. I think you know what my point was. But in an attempt to be a wiseass you want to point out exceptions.

Like i said. He isnt cut out for this game and has convinced himself that everyone is just logging in and collecting loot they orederd from amazon in their mailbox. Its delusional and insulting to those of us that play the game without cheating. Which happens to be the majority of players.

So you say people dont buy gold, and if you cant prove that they do, then its not a problem. I prove to you that people buy gold, and now you change up your arguement :joy: solid debate skills my friend

I just have one comment… Who asked?

If you want to quit, quit. Why tell everyone about it on the forums? Everyone has their own opinions. Blizzard was nice enough to let us re-live their previous expansions. We should be thankful. I know your post was not anything too negative to throw out, but why even post?


Don’t know if its most of the people still left playing yet but no doubt thats how it will end up. Blizzard has done a remarkable job of both removing all social elements of the game and reinforcing antisocial behavior. And whatever elements of charm, fantasy and entertainment remained, the players made sure to stomp out. Immaturity, insecurity and relative anonymity is a volatile mixture and Blizzard has decided its impossible to manage and is happy to let the cards lie where they will.

I haven’t logged in for over a week and I’m struggling to find motivation to do so.

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Agreed. Like always has been, blizz has created a hostil and toxic fanbase. They have always allowed players to grief other players. Even encouraged it. They make mockery of an issue that has divided the playerbase. Claiming it was for social interaction. How is removing a tool that AUTOMATICALLY and sometimes INSTANTANEOUSLYNL, groups players together to do group content somehow a bad thing?.

And to rub the joke of social experiencesb in to us even more, they are going to be setting up hardcore servers. Where you are required to limit all interactions with other players. Lol. I swear they go to bed each night laughing and dreaming of the next joke to change on us. Its time for a horde only buff of somekind coming up. Its like a circle.