I finally cancelled my subscription

Ok, now THAT’S old :wink:

I got one of those messages today, except mine says June 12. I really wanted to kill the Lich King but I don’t want it bad enough to tolerate this toxic sh*thole of a playerbase any longer. l8r


I’ve cancelled mine a few months ago. I bought the damn year sub thinking that my friends would play. They log on maybe once every 2-3 weeks and I’ve become nearly the same. I’ve been spending more time doing other stuff and I can’t say I miss what we’ve been given. Honestly I miss playing private servers more than this version of Wrath. Retail is just a convoluted web/tree/pile/(what ever) of crap for anyone that goes back and I don’t have the energy, time, or care to learn all of it.
This was supposed to be a nostalgic reincarnation. It hasn’t live up to that. Starting us off at a far later patch, changes that shouldn’t have been made (regardless of the tears), and so on have made it a fetid pile of crap (for me and many others). The people playing this game now are different (people are so instant gratification and too damn lazy to work for anything) from what we had back then as well as the devs (their mentality, aptitude, outlook, et cetera).


Cancel and never look back, stop giving this company money theyre scum allowing people to prey on your innocence.

Scum of this soil you lay in.

The quicker people relaise the quicker our world is healed.

Yes this is our generations fault.

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