I feel like the games social aspect kinda died since the new social contract thing came out

I don’t think old WoW was very social to begin with either but that’s just my memories of trade chat.

Folks were yelling at each other rather than talking.


That doesnt even make sense.


I think that’s the big thing, WoW doesn’t have a history of “pleasant” discussions occurring online. Neither does the internet as a whole, but WoW definitely didn’t have any reason to be better than the norm.

The “social contract” came along too late to change much, as people were already fleeing to more private chat channels and Discord long before it was implemented.

The community has essentially self-segregated into like-minded groups, leaving behind the public chat channels in a state akin to that a barren wasteland populated by loners, deviants and troll. Even then, they’re inclined to leave it now and enjoy the game in solitude.

We still talk a lot on LFG, lots of sarcasm, sometimes political debate / fight.
Sometimes the weak mass report someone, get muted, etc.

The social contract existed since the game launched so that means your viewpoint exists in your own head

The game feels less social because you have either content that forces you to socialize and cooperate likes raids , dungeon bg to get it done . Nobody likes being forced at anything this create very negative environment especially among randoms and ppl you will never ever meet thereby alienating /discriminating players among themselves with metrics like ioscore, gearscore, wol , dpsmeters and such , and then you have content that doesn’t encourage you to socialize like all the solo and queued -content in the game making every body basically bots.

You will never solve this problem cause players can’t stop throwing money at Blizzard

So we’re just regurgitating talking points again, huh? It is an election year I suppose…

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I forgot it even existed.
I remember it causing such a scene though. People really do make mountains out of mole hills.

The game is less social because you find groups through the UI panel and the world is divided up and phased. That’s really all there is to it.


That’s literally the services channel. The one they added to contain all that crap so it is easy to ignore. Just leave the channel.

There was nothing new in the social contract. Same rules there’s always been in the game about being nice and not using inappropriate language. If you can’t communicate without cussing or harassing people then you not talking sounds like a good move.


Least with discord there’s no silly trust level stuff if you wanna just post memes as you’re gaming

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Social interaction in WoW has been dead for years long before the social contract. Not sure why people have just recently had this revelation when it started back in Cataclysm/WotLK.

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Agreed, well said, etc.

Yeah it be dead

The social contract is part suggestions and part Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is part of the EULA. ToS is a term that is no longer used.

Which means, technically, you can say that people can be actioned due to the social contract because it includes the Code of Conduct.

Vrak’s post only talks about the first half. The second half is the Code of Conduct. Which is part of the EULA.

So I’m not sure where you were trying to go with that.

Inariusz seems to be, unless I’m reading what he’s saying wrong, saying that the whole Social Contract is made up of enforceable, reportable rules.

It’s not. Only the Code of Contact part has rules that players are required to follow. The first half is suggestions and aren’t enforced on being reported.

Have a cookie.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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It’s not the social contract; it’s society. We’re about 20 years into the social experiment that is the internet. Most of us have had our fair share of watching toxic armchair forum warriors and keyboard trade chat bandits ontop of your average redditor and tick-tock kid.

Interacting with new people is pretty much a chore at this point that has a very high likelihood of resulting in some sophomoric vitriol. To most nowadays I feel like it’s just not worth it.

So, blame the collective everyone, the Karen’s of the internet, the virtual-signalling cancel culturalists and mouth breathing rage nuts.

If I don’t have to speak in-game I pretty much don’t; barely even say hello at the start of a dungeon, I’ve surprisingly even seen that set people off.


Doesn’t help that WoW as it is now, isn’t exactly peaking in interest to bring players together.

DF is just borning…with super best friends as its peak in story telling?



I don’t see anywhere that he said the whole thing. Just that people can get actioned for breaking the social contract. Which implies the Code of Conduct, seeing as how suggestions aren’t enforceable rules.