I feel like the games social aspect kinda died since the new social contract thing came out

like all i see in the chat channels these days is people spamming their carry services.

id rather have the OG trolling/something interesting to talk about

now it seems every1 is in fear of talking.

how is that social?


Except… the social contract contained no new rules. At all.


Social contract has nothing to do with it. Try looking at discord instead.


This. Basically everyone has fled to discord. The only people left still taking in in-game chat are advertisers and people who don’t have an in with a Discord comm. Either that or solo players who have switched off chat a long time ago.


This so called “social aspects” was toxic right from the start and I am damn glad that it’s over and that is dead. Don’t think it wasn’t toxic because it was.


If you think the social contract is toxic you probably should reconsider how you approach people, moreover it is still valid and standing, it is not “dead”.


Was I talking about the “social contract”? No, I wasn’t. But, since you want to change the subject towards the contract fine. The social contract is a damn good thing to curb toxic behavior.


How? It doesn’t do anything lol.

So leave the carry spam channel? The fact thats its enabled by default is kind of insane, but I guess if it weren’t, they’d still just be posting in regular Trade Chat instead.

Legitimately, that channels moves so fast that even if you WANT a carry, you have to basically just click a name and ask what they’re selling because it’s impossible to actually read their ad before it scrolls by without an addon to look at chat logs.

People were talking like crazy on my server last night, in normal channels.

The type of people who are legitimately scared to talk in public because of the social contract are the type of people no one actually wants to deal with, btw.


If you look at my guild’s chat you would think it’s dead. Everyone is on discord.

It’s not that’s it’s dead it’s just people likely exclude randoms from their everyday chat, and most people value their time… if they want to be social then they choose real life friends or people they have had long standing communication with.

At least that’s my experience… from what I’ve seen though most people try getting together in a guild, you can try that…


To you might not have done anything but I have reported plenty of people and got an update from blizzard that action has been taken.

I’m offended.


That would be the ToS, not the social contract lol.

Well, the reporting the status of it to the reporter is new and came with the contract, but yeah the rules and actions taken haven’t.

That would be the social contract. But sure change the subject.

No, that would be the ToS.

It’s both if you actually have read both.

It’s not if you actually read either one at all.

Isnt the social contract the subject of the thread