I feel like the games social aspect kinda died since the new social contract thing came out

People are socially active in other games where streamers are playing. The social activity has shifted toward people watching streamers play games.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Really? I still see political talk in the game that goes on for hours.

Don’t think I’ve used trade chat since wrath

No way, I never see that anymore. I started to in a battlegrounds this weekend and it turned into such a nightmare we lost, fast, embarrassingly fast.

On my server, nearly no one talks, ever.

Sure that’s probably an impact, and while I personally don’t find spamming emotes or random one off comments into the abyss that is twitch or YouTube chat, there is a place for it - Id argue that’s a shallower form of communication for the most part, which goes hand in hand with the current social trajectory.

I type in game. I do have discord loaded on my computer and can listen on my monitor speakers but can’t talk. The few times I have had a headset, it starts to hurt my neck, so I prefer only listening on the monitor.

When I came back to World of Warcraft back in October of 2020, no one ever told me about Discord channels to help find groups etc. So, I rely on in game chat. Because people are so worried about chatting in game, it’s rare to see anyone chat. Before the last re-iteration of the social contract (was it rebranded from Terms of Service), people use to talk in Trade channel, before service channel was added.

But that is what the generation that has grown up with tik tok wants.

Short, brief conversations.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

You think the tik tok generation represents a sizable portion of the Wow playerbase?

This is the result of validating everyone’s boohoo feelings.

Why have I never thought to do this? :sweat_smile:
Thank you, my WoW chat windows are about to be a lot more peaceful lol.

sorry, your feelings hurt you cant be a jerk?


The social contract is LITERALLY just a repackaging of the same old TOS we’ve had since 2004, put in a small splash screen when you log in for the first time in a while.

Why people STILL throw a fit about it is beyond me.

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right click the “general” tab of the chat window
left click “settings” in the drop down
left click “channels”
uncheck “trade” and “services”
left click “okay”


According to the WoW community, no you’re not allowed to do anything other than be a mindless drone.


The social contract is just a glorified summary of a part of the ToS that they make you agree to twice not exactly new or anything.

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I’m always amused how people think the social contract will have changed mass player behavior when you know 99.9% of people won’t bother reading it.

If you feel your only option is to be a mindless drone because you cant be a jerk. That says more about you.


This is false. The social aspect was declining years before this. Probably since WoD. Most people just stick to their guilds now. Perhaps there is less trade chat trolls but do you consider those to be the kinda social aspect you want? Also I played WoW hardcore, and Discovery when they came out and people were extremely social and those both had the social contract. Also there is virtually nothing new in the social contract from the ToS. It’s just more in your face then what’s in the ToS (that most people never read)

True, true.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

whistles innocently