I feel like Sethrak should be an allied race


How. If Garrosh going to AU Draenor is the Horde’s fault then Arthas is the Alliance’s fault.

Believable but source please.

Or because the writing sucks.


Vol’jin tried advising Garrosh :man_shrugging:
He ended up having an assassination attempt for it.


After she let her city be used as a military staging ground. I don’t think the bombing was justified but it didn’t come out of nowhere. And by the way, Jaina was forcing the element of water in that moment when she was going to, the same thing dark shamans do.

Lol, no? You helped High Elves in Vanilla. The Alliance have helped virtually no Blood Elves until Burning Crusade, when the Horde and Alliance arrived where the Blood Elves are in Outland.

My argument still stands, you’re confused.

Th…the good Sethrak and the Vulpera work together? Like quite literally, the Vulpera rescue a high priest of the Sethrak. The bad Sethrak captured and tortured the Vulpera, yes. But the bad Sethrak wouldn’t join either side because they believed in wiping out everyone equally.

Man! Confrontational, aren’t you? I honestly would love to continue this debate, but it’s very clear that you’re either trolling or not even confident in your own stance. That type of debate loses interest fast. I’ve said my piece, and it’s very clear to me that you have no knowledge of Voldun other than “I want sneks on Alliance, please, lore aside.” So, uh…enjoy your interesting mind there, I’m going to move on to something more interesting.


The sethrak love thread is a lot more constructive than this, and there’s plenty of people willing to debate that sethrak would fit better on Alliance and Horde.

Props to Fezzy btw, cool guy no matter what you think.


Nice, nice! Obviously I think Sethrak are way past being added as playable, but it could be fun to pop in.

Meanwhile I’ll hope for the fauns from Shadowlands, even though I don’t think we need more races at this time, haha.


So they are highelves until BC came out ? .Convenient.

Again your argument is just . . . convenient by your own facts.

Same as Sethrak worked good with any race of the horde or the Alliance. Is like saying that Vrykuls had a lot of more interaction with the Alliance because normals humans come from them.

That doesnt mean “they are friens”.

You must be a really friendly cow .

Im not!. You keep thinking that bonds , “friendship” and other silly stuff have anything in this conversation.

We helped the nightborne equally in legion but they went horde ?. Now you are gonna say .“tyrande”

Blaming tyrande is like saying that you are not to allow to be insecure after a friend betrayed you.


You have literally the mind of a horde player ; thats why i dont like to talk with horde fanboys or sylvanas fanboys.

They are just . . . .ordinaries.

So they are high elves in vanilla but after in BC are bloodelfs ? .

You are one of those who say :“all highelves are bloodelfs right!” … . right?

I always bump sethrak posts.

Give us snake bois blizz!

yeah, for sure. I don’t see sethrak as an allied race happening , but I have been wrong before.


I feel like we need less Allied Races and more customization.

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That said, hide helm could work.


I personally think one more round of ARs was originally planned, with Sethrak being one of them, but at some point before BlizzCon Blizz decided not to do a 8.3.5 patch and canceled the last two ARs.

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Wait wait wait. Are you claiming that Vulpera would hurt a faction pop?

Are you nuts? While it’s still an overwhelming presence, BE numbers dipped fairly sharply when Vulps dropped!

I’m saying I personally think sethrak are cooler and that ankoan/gilgoblins would’ve made a better pair than vulpera/mechagnomes. Gilgoblins/ankoan are both from Nazjatar (at least the Unshackled are) and they’re both aquatic. What do mechagnomes and vulpera have to do with each other?

Vulpera hurt faction numbers way more than gilgoblins/ankoan would’ve.

Ya. I’m not wild about allied races, but the story situation and placement indicates a revision downward of allied races for this expac. Twiggy form ppl (a la worgen) without needing to be droods would be interesting. Hypothesising that is where Kul’tiran drood form came from: scrapped twiggy ppl.

Gilgoblins didn’t have near the fervor behind them Vulpera did. Alliance BEGGED for Vulps, or at least for Vulp neutrality. It was a lot of broken hearts when Kiro chose the Horde.

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No, and I’m not saying they did. I’m saying it would’ve made sense to get gilgoblins/ankoan instead of vulpera/mechagnomes because they have much more in common and counteract each other well, both from Nazjatar and both aquatic.

Oh boy Gnomest is replying. I just tickled her funnybone the second I said gilgoblins.

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Oh boy Gnomest is replying. I just tickled her funnybone the second I said gilgoblins.

You know it. Gilgoblins are easily my top loved race. So what I wanted to say.

If gilgoblins looked like this from the beginning, they would have easily been one of the most requested allied races. And this model design could be made even more unique and detailed. This what I mean when I say, it is a race with potential. And this could be done with out breaking too much from what their established look is. That said before anyone gets their pitchforks out. I believe that Vulpera and Gilgoblins should have both been playable and been partners with each other. They are like bread and butter to each other in lore.

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Ah! I’d misunderstood, you meant in terms of upsetting faction balance. I was speaking from a demand point of view. Argument rescinded.

Yeah I get it, was easy to read wrong.

Nopers, vulpera really hit Alliance hard with that demand.

I’d try and be nice here but I’ve seen you saying FURRY things on other threads so I gotta distance myself for safety.

Fear not the pathowogen, for that way lies hugs, cuddles, and VRChat. :panda_face: