I feel like Sethrak should be an allied race

The Sethrak from Vol’dun has been a heavily requested allied race during the time of BfA. With the new inclusion of Vulpera, wouldn’t it make sense to also gain Sethrak? Unlike what people usually want and think the Sethrak would join (which is the alliance), it would actually make more sense for them to join the Horde, or at most, be a neutral race. Now I know saying that is a bit controversial, but I have my reasons why I say that.
Though yes, both the Alliance and Horde did technically help the Sethrak, the Horde did much more to help out, and with intent to truly help. What happened, in summary, is that the Horde killed the tyrannic leader, Korthek, and freed their loa, Sethralis. Now all the Alliance did was build a doc as a foothold to attack the Horde.
You could argue the point by saying “Well, the Sethrak enslaved the Vulpera, who joined the horde.” Now that is a valid point, except for one key thing, the slave masters we faithless. Vorrik, who is the Sethrak that the player fights with, is NOT a faithless, and the Vulpera are ok with him.
From a purely statistic stance, adding Sethrak as an allied race would draw in more people for a few reasons. The first reason is that they are a highly demanded race to become playable, and by adding them, it shows that Blizzard does (still) listen to their fans. The second reason is that it gives players an awesome new race to play which has rich lore that could be built on more.


Would’ve been super easy for the Devoted to be interested in the Alliance’s faithful, and find companionship in that.
Or have the remnants of the Faithless seek vengeance on the Horde and Vulpera alike, joining with the Alliance’s “Team Practical” alongside Tyrande and Genn.
Both of these would have been fantastic and flavorful.

Pity, that.


That would make sense for if they were neutral. Hopefully they get released in the pre patch of Shadowlands, or maybe in the expansion after, since I think I heard something about a minor time skip (since time does go by differently)

The first maybe, but the second is definitely not neutral.

Hopefully Blizz does actually make sethrak an allied race, though it would probably be like what happened with the Nightborn

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Honestly, I don’t care how “broken” the models turn out to be. I would roll one in a heartbeat.

Funny story, alliance begged for sethrak to be ours instead of mechagnomes. But blizz loves to give us the “poo”-stick.


Lol sethrak mogs. Imagine. Be just as solid as mechagnome mogs.


They would be a very welcome addition to the Alliance as well. Tbh I feel like our Allied races kinda suck. Especially Mecha-Gnomes, we could use the snakey bois.

Yes they definitely should have been.

When I saw Blizzard first announce mechagan and mechagnomes I was like (woooooooow blizz.) and felt horrible because it was obvious Alliance were getting them.

They so should have gotten Sethrak it was just unfair for the Alliance.

They need to make up for it by adding a cool race lots of people want like Naga Vrykrul Ethreals or even Sethrak

They’re an irrelevant bestial people. Of course they should have been made an Allied Race.

While I would prefer them for Alliance I’m good with them going Horde.

Just want them playable.

Also thought I’d link to the Sethrak thread.


Races should have been




In b4 Horde bias posts

I’d love sethrak on Horde. I think they’d be better on Horde as well.

The problem is what would we give Alliance instead. It’d hurt Alliance population a lot like vulpera did. If we can give something cool to Alliance too, then I’m down for Horde sethrak.

Ankoan and gilgoblins would’ve made a much better allied race pair than vulpera and mechagnomes. I’d like to get them as well, preferably first since it’d make more sense. There’s a few Unshackled you can see in Bladefist Bay too.

If I’m being biased though I’d rather get sethrak first since I personally think they’re cooler.

I played both side ; horde and alliance . Alliance is just a better place for them.

Would prefer the twig droods from Drustvar (Thornspeakers) over the Sneks. As a consumer I am fairly jaded about Ally, tbh. Consistently not getting value compared to horde. After almost 13 yrs considering a permanent swap to horde.

In your opinion. Alliance also didn’t overthrow the Faithless Empire, restore the only god of the sethrak, nor did they kill Mythrax, who their only god sacrificed herself to slay.


You have them. They’re called Kul’tiran Druids.

There’s only one Drust Thornspeaker still breathing.

Also thought I’d leave my vague support right here.

puts it down

There you go.


Sure, if we throw all logic and facts out the window to please ungrateful players.


Its funny how “horde people” love to say that they did something good after screw it up so badly.

The whole campaign of the horde in bfa was fixing the problems that they made.

Again . . . Sethrak are an intelligent race . They will be better in the Alliance.