I feel like a god right now in bgs

Boy I’d love to have poly, ice block, blink, ring of frost.


press cobra shot for your entire dps meter

you’re welcome


Yea the fact that fire mages get ring of fire and ring of frost is so bs. Plus they have the leggo that’s just as good if not better into most comps than Craven and all their big dmg is instant anyway. The entire combust go is instant and good luck purging it bc of their 15 shields. Poor poor mages have it so rough.

Update: even more fun in BGs now that I’m full sockets almost full 252 conduits


Yes we can name abilities all day. But the core design of BM allows for full dps with full movement at a range of 40 yards. That’s hard to beat

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Who is we, BM Hunters? Your spec doesn’t make sense and Blizz has no way to balance it - and never has. If you honestly don’t think BM is OP, then don’t ever play another spec (except maybe DH now, that has a similar face-roll and win vibe) because you are going to be very disappointed.

If you think that is what a hunter’s rotation is then you are ignorant and have no clue how to PvP. Cobra Shot is a filler spell and you have no PvP achievements or rating what so ever. Holy irony BATMAN!

Tell you what we can duel and it doesn’t have to be on this toon, I have a 226 Ret and 200 DK here is my BTAG
Trimac #1537 should be available around 10 P.M.

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I play Ret and DK and often hit 17-1800 rating, not the best but not the worse either. Just because a BM hunter beat you doesn’t mean the class/spec is OP, it might mean you aren’t a very good player.

…and that’s BM overall, then add Orc to it…oh well…

If you can’t acknowledge the state of BM accurately, it might explain why you’re stuck on it.

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Some people are just extremely biasd you can’t change their mind

Sometimes. But there has always been lower geared toons and geared toons (who feel like gods) in WoW BGs. It’s just amplified hardcore now because of how many tiers of gear there are etc.

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i swear the people rabidly defend their specs when they’re as brain dead as going craven to counter entire specs and press cobra shot and then wonder why participation at the start of a season is the lowest it’s ever been

DH/BM syndrome

At least I am stuck at rating, last I checked you have zero rating in any form of PvP, like I said it isn’t a class/spec thing, but a you thing. Git Gud!

You are aware that Cobra Shot is a filler, my god if you are going to make fun of a spec at least know the spells.

This is why people can’t have nice shiny things cause of whiners like you, stop making excuses and get better at the game!

Why hasn’t BM been nerfed yet? - PVP / Arenas - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Try leaving the BG forums and visit the Arena ones. Here’s a great post where Dillon (lowly 2900 Hunter) explains in multiple ways how BM is one of the most oppressive and overpowered specs in the game - the king of low risk high reward.

And as a side note, Cobra isn’t a filler, it’s half your damage. You should already know that, but at least now you do.


Lol man… BM in BG’s is good but mage has way higher rep. It’s almost as if mage is even more op.

Lol it’s almost as common as people rabidly claiming their direct counter class as op when theirs is equally op :rofl::rofl: hunters are hella good but so are a lot of other classes. Including mage.

To claim BM hunter is the reason the game is low participation is kinda comical.


So because a Glad player says it, it makes it right? Cobra is pretty much a filler spell, the thing that irritates me is that you don’t have any real PvP experience and want to tell people that they are wrong about something.

Nawat was honest and admitted that BM is in a good spot like some other specs are, for me I agree 100%. Like he also said, to blame a spec for the lack of PvP participation is asinine.

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“BM is OP” “so is FMage!” “…so? we’re talking about BM” “Fmage though!” “dude we’re talking about BM” “Well so are other classes!” “Do we agree that BM is OP then?” “Fmage though!”

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BM is not OP, it is viable. Even before this though hunters have always been a hard counter to mages. You learn to adjust and play better. I have fits with DH but learn to either run away or survive enough to get help, I don’t go on forums asking for a spec to get nerfed.

So just to keep the logic going, you don’t want to hear my opinion because I don’t have rating that you can see, but you also dismiss a multi-season R1 Glad who is currently 7th on the ladder? So you really just want a sweet-spot of BM sympathizers who got 1800 in RBGs last season. Got it. GL bro!