Why hasn't BM been nerfed yet?

This is ridiculous


How would you like to see it nerfed?

Is there a certain thing that you think BM is too strong at in 3vs3 settings?


BM is only strong after cold brew


Hunter deserves to have a spec that works. We don’t want to play BM, but a lot of people have gotten very used to metas that do not contain hunters. If arms warrior, frost dk, demon hunter, etc. deserve to work, there’s no reason BM shouldn’t. Its not any easier to play than any of those specs, and this is no longer Legion (or prior) where all of the damage comes from the pet with abilities that work out of normal range and behind LOS.

Again, BM is not ever going to be the spec of choice for like 90% of the hunters that actually want to compete in arena, but if this is what we have to work with, this is what we are going to play. Survival still has sincere pet durability problems that completely invalidate the spec, and marks is still stuck in the same set of problems that have kept it out of arena since legion. Trust, I do not like playing against other BM hunters either. Nobody likes it when BM is the hunter spec, but the meta is not better when entire classes are left out.


Is this a real post


Lmao homies buggin

Survival is real good wym


It is though.


MM wasn’t bad in Legion

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MM was great for most of legion. That was the intent of my post. Mechanically, the way it has worked since they redid it for BFA is just not conducive to something that is going to work well in arena outside of really gimmicky opener oneshot mechanics that inevitably get nerfed (for good reason). It has to have a reliable matrix of defensive/mobility/cc functionality that just really hasn’t panned out for the plant and cast playstyle that they’ve put it into.

Legion marks worked well because it could set up its own cc and had a damage profile that you could actually use. It still wasn’t a blizzcon spec, but there wasn’t anything to complain about.


Well said, I misread you previous post.

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If you’re not killing SV hunter pets and losing, you’re doing it wrong.


Jungle/php/kfc are not easier comps to play than any melee cleave. It’s a strong spec, and it’s easy to play. But any combination of dh/ww/warrior/ret with similar competency is going to have an easier time to reasonable ratings.

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If you think survival is in any shape bad right now I would suggest you to slowly put away your cup of bleach


Survival is great. It has an overly exploitable weakness via the pet. It does not have wild kingdom like BM, it doesn’t have multi pet like BM. At any rating, vs any SV comp, you can and will always win by killing the SV pet and stopping rez. The hunter has no way of stopping you from doing that.

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The last time I fought a survival he disengage to africa feign > camou and ress his pet considering the hunter being this brainlagged that he did let his pet die in the first case

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Play better then

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Why don’t you?

I’ve won 100% of my games against SV teams this season on all of my toons with that strat so

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And everything you lose to is broken right?