I feel like a god right now in bgs

I would take his opinion with more weight than yours since he is a Glad, the thing is you don’t have actual personal experience since you don’t do any form of Rated. You simply found a thread of a great player who agreed with you about BM, I could probably do the same thing for pretty much every spec in the game.

it doesn’t conveniently fit my narrative so let’s just ignore that one

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What narrative? Theiceisrite is arguing about rated PvP yet has no experience. It would be like me telling a electrician or psychologist how to do their job, it’s asinine.

i mean i’m yoloing as arcane without triune, every spec is my counter spec rn

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I have a real ID friend that since WOTLK has gotten 2K or higher on Arcane, it isn’t the norm but when played right you can excel on almost any spec.

BTW, you have played one game LOL that isn’t exactly pugging or doing rated.

Well you’re the one that came in here ranting and raving about BM hunters, when the point of the thread was the gear gap :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

So that’s kinda your choice to play a sub par spec. Good on ya. Can’t really blame others to play the top specs like BM or fire mage though now can we?

Anyways, how about that gear gap?

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quit bullying my lil arcane mage alt you shaman freak <3

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I’m ilvl 220 this patch… It was good last patch but garbage now. I’m not bullying anyone like that :rofl:

i’d like to suggest blizz censor BM hunters for being oppressive ok ur rly putting a dampener on my agenda

Is this the thread where a BM hunter is telling people to get better? Maybe a rogue can come here next and say the same

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Lol git gud

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Make a Ret alt called Briefs as you’ll delete ppl frequently

…shotsfired-darkspear was killing my priest in 1 rapid fire…yes he’s an Orc…and to be honest he didn’t even need to be any good to kill me so fast…no skill needed to kill someone that fast, push 2 buttons, orc racial and rapid fire…but it’s in the game…

you never get your wasted free time back, and that is pretty costly

some of you value your free time at a garbage level and throw it away on unenjoyable experiences and have normalized that as ok for everyone

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To be far Dillion has been saying this since 9.0.5 when it saw it’s first buff. Then it got worse because of PvE buffs. Of the 3 hunter specs BM is the easiest to play with the damage that the game basically controls for you. Take the pets away and you can’t play. BM is pretty OP. All 3 specs are playable atm though. Damage wise it’s probably actually MM>BM>Survival. And yes I play hunter, but not BM. I played around with it for a little bit but it actually felt bad because of how much I relied on the game/pets to do my damage.

Also Dillion is a R1 player not Glad. There is actually a big difference in most cases.

…I’ve played all 3 in lower brackets as twinks, all 3 are easy, surv is probably the best because they do a lot of burst, BM I like best because a monk or druid has a hard time getting away…MM in the other xpacs was really good in pvp…I don’t know in 60 lvl retail pvp about surv pvp but MM has higher DPS, BM has less dps but more overall damage…MM or BM, which lives longer?..BM is the best overall in my opinion…

100% BM is best overall. My MM>BM>Surv was just based on raw damage.

People are berating BM bc it’s “easy” and “annoying” to play against. I have 1 of every class at 60 so I’ve tried them all and while BM is easy I’d more describe it as fluid. Sin rogue has a stupid easy rotation, so do
War and DH. With BM you don’t have to cast anything and you can dmg while moving, thats what makes it “easy”. You’re not gonna chunk anyone or 100-0 them in .4 seconds outside of a super lucky chain of kill shot procs that crit which isn’t gonna happen often. I’d much rather go against something with high sustained dmg than something like ret/ww/etc that you can play perfectly all game and make one mistake and get 60-0 in half a second. We all have classes we hate that counter our specific class and we all are gonna defend our spec. It’s just how it is and how it’s gonna be. I’m in the process of gearing my WW so they are fine but nerf war and nerf ret. see how it works

WTH does that even mean?

Who cares!