I don't think that I am cut out for this game anymore

Flag of ownership is the next thing going away.

Wtf… I hope that’s not legit. I hadn’t heard about that. Now I kinda hope it’s just a scummy tbc mount purchase encouragement thing.

so from what i understand this is because of the store mount in TBC classic, not because of pvp. and its mainly because of streamers getting their fanbase into action, not player QQ.

that said, the streamers and spitters have a point, store mounts and modern QoL changes didn’t exist in TBC, so now its more like blizz is making their own private TBC server with their own rules instead of a classic.

however, it is true that this sets a bad precedent, along with the removal of the ability to say certain words from retail, these actions will be used by people in the future to justify blizzard taking dev level stance against certain player behaviors the loudest crowd is offended by.

mogs were mentioned, but i do have to wonder how #Metoo will react to them if they think they can pressure devs to overhaul the game to remove provocative armor.


It has nothing to do with pvp and everything to do with the cash shop.

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This is a funny thread.


What’s next ? Changing the worgen name because if you spell it backwards some people might consider it racist ?
What I just said is as stupid as removing the /spit emote that I’m sure most of us never use.

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I think they know better to not remove it from retail :wink:

I always lol at that then say out loud…your so tough Mr. Internet Ganker, can’t hang with the the sinful gladiators in your CR 1200, i get it.

they’re gonna be in sanitize mode cuz of liability concerns

doubt they’ll take anything out that anyone could argue is really a value adding feature of the game

just raising the standards bar and taking some legal safety precautions

and the /spit emote does piss a lot of people off, whether they would quit the game over it is irrelevant as bliz’s own standards of conduct are to avoid anything that a reasonable person in court would find offensive to another player

people don’t need to get ‘tougher’ or ‘stop being soft’ - it is just video game entertainment and nobody needs to endure toxic spew from anyone else nor does a game company need to allow it

stuff has just become way too normalized, as if there is no choice and anyone entering this arena must adapt to it because the standards can never be changed - all false

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How you can’t see the irony here is quite amazing.
“It’s just a video game!”
But then “toxic spew” due to a spit emote.

It really is a “stop being soft” issue if you’re getting upset over a random person in a video game using an emote.
Modern “woke” culture of getting offended at every tiny thing you don’t like is just pathetic. People need to learn better emotional control and stop letting pointless things raise their blood pressure.

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I think it’s moreso about the weak aura that spits on people riding a store mount that anything.

Every true chad knows that /soothe is the real ultimate insult among emotes against people raging


Whoa…that’s a thing? Lol I feel like I need to get weak auras now

Do the ginsu knives still work on player bodies? Remember corpse explosions in PVP?

I emoted Flarkness a few times the other night when we were trouncing him in an RBG because I think he’s a toxic person who verbally abuses learning players, and intentionally only plays in low brackets just so he can ‘noob stomp’ to look cool on his stream–yet somehow rages on those low players for not playing like an R1, in spite of him choosing to play with them.

But generally I just /spit on friends to be funny and almost never use emotes on players I don’t know.

LOL You’re a trip. If we ever queue against each other and you don’t t-bag me, I’ll be disappointed in you.

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I would spit if the player in question really has a bad attitude. There’s elitists who love to lord their undeserved power over you just because they can. They’re the ones who deserve it. But if I get my butt handed to me fair and square, I’m much more likely to handle it well.

Heard of a slippery slope argument? It’s a common fallacy in verbal-written arguments, and the basis of your point.

I’m confident you can do better. :clap:

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A few people seem very attached to this emote. :thinking:

I never used it, so :man_shrugging: but I can understand why Blizzard decided to remove it.

/bored, /tap, /pick, /yawn are way better anyway
/comfort when a dps misses their kick :ok_hand:

Spit is basic