I don't think that I am cut out for this game anymore

The playerbase (people in general) are getting waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy too soft.


Rated PG - parental guidance advised.


It is not uncommon that I have people log over to Alliance to rage whisper me for using the Flag of Ownership on their corpse. Imagine actually getting tilted over emotes and toys lmao.


Oh yeah, you better believe when I would get my nose rubbed in the dirt and spanked super hard in a fight; it flamed the ever living BLEEP out of me when they planted that stupid flag. I never went as far to soften my skin to harass them. It is still a funny taunt though.


Seems people forgot that this was a game. They get personally hurt by every little thing.


I remember the first time that was used on me, and yeah I was mad, but then I got my own and gave it right back… Don’t understand people today.

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Do people quit the game because of the spit emote? I don’t see why you’d remove something that isn’t hurting sub count.


Yeah I cant understand the salt around it. It’s just pixels.
When people use emotes or toys on me I find it funny.

I want to say that it’s virtue signaling due to all the recent events with Blizzard, but they haven’t removed /spit from retail so I don’t know.

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Good question. I was shocked when the changed the sound of the whistle emote.

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It’s dumb by Blizzard. Who cares though :roll_eyes: it’s an emote. Who even uses emotes? Degenerates and rpers? Lol


I proudly have the Flag of Ownership macro’d on my action bars and I use it on cooldown even if I’m not the one that landed the kill. And my Killshot add-on automatically uses /spit on anyone I do kill.


So which one are you? Lol :rofl:

Reinforcing my theory that most of people who do it are the people that get the most upset about when it is done to them.


Depends on who you ask :man_shrugging:

It’s because of the auto-spit thing on people with the shop mount in TBC. They are probably concerned that some people might not buy the mount or other things from the cash shop if they feel ostracized.

TLDR, they are trying to protect cash shop sales. Not feelings.


Are we talking about how people are being way too sensitive about getting spit on? Or are we talking about how people are being way too sensitive about it being removed? Trying to figure out which way we are leaning in this thread.


People aren’t overly sensitive about it getting removed but look at the bigger picture. Like what is next, no transmog, no trade chat, it always starts with something small.


Sure, but not to ban something. It’s fun to be emotionally invested but at the same time remembering that it’s just a game.

No xmog? No Trade Chat? Do you even hear yourself? You’re not one of those “We can’t allow gays to get married because what’s next? People will want to marry animals?” types are you?

It’s a freaking emote, that literally serves no purpose. I used it all the time back during BC and WoTLK. I was also 19-21 years old, kind of a dick, and super cringy. People are threatening to leave the game over this. Good riddance. There are people in classic right now spitting on people with cash store mounts and boosted characters and Honestly these guys have no place in WoW.


Yes I do and you clearly don’t get my point, things like this always start off small, take an emote off here and there, then next no cursing at all, then trade chat is disabled. Like are you aware of the current woke environment we live in right now?

Everything is considered racist or mean, and people want to remove things just for the sake of it. Wake up and see that this is just a small step!