I don't think that I am cut out for this game anymore

So because I disagree with the removal of an emote that means I am against gay marriage? WOW how did you tie those two together?
And if an emote serves no purpose then why do you care!?

If someone is threatening to leave the game over an EMOTE then I say don’t let the door hit you when you leave. My god if an emote ruins your day then maybe you should live under a rock.

I honestly can’t think of the last time I even read the chat box to see an emote to be fair.

You’re stretching a bit their my friend… don’t pull a muscle.

By all means… Please share another example where things started small and went nuts from there because of woke culture?

We already have curse filters. But “If they remove an emote, next could be trade chat!” is ridiculous. The /spit emote was insanely toxic. Especially in classic. WoW desperately needs less Toxicity in the game right now.

This was mostly to point out the ridiculous jump. I don’t know your life.

Personally? Right off the bat boosting in classic was pretty awful. You catch a lot of grief. I mean a LOT. People being downright rude. Telling you to go back to retail, spitting on you, turning you down for early dungeons like ramparts for being a booster etc. It wasn’t until I leveled up a little and it was less obvious that I boosted that people became friendly and welcoming again.

I’ll tell you the same thing I tell my children if you don’t want your toys taken away then play nicely with them. No more hitting your brother in the head with your lightsaber.


It isn’t though, that is thing you refuse or just can’t grasp. And if someone is spamming regardless of what it is, you can ignore and report them. Grow thicker skin!

STOP comparing how you raise your children to how other players behave! I don’t want to be told by you how I should treat or act towards other people. Let me repeat if an emote hurts your feelings then you must live under a rock or have no friends.

If you think a generic text emote in a video game is “insanely toxic” then that speaks a lot about you. Maybe seek emotional therapy if it hurts you that much.


I didn’t want to go there, but I was thinking the exact same thing, LOL!

Hey i’m fine. I’m 33 years old, I have children who tell me far worse, and I have a standing desk because my back constantly reminds me of my mortality. My skins pretty thick. This isn’t about you and I, but about the other gamers. Who’s gonna join a game where the player base is going to treat you like garbage? Who’s gonna buy a mount that causes you grief?

I mean come on now, you’re in this thread agreeing with Herc! Freaking Herc! That guy is like a walking /spit emote.

I mean if you look at Disney firing my ex Carano, or people being cancelled cause they don’t believe in CRT or believe in a secure border. I could go on, but the list would be endless. Big things always start small and evolve.

People who don’t get their fee fees hurt by a text emote, that’s who.
Or people who have the intellectual capability to disable or otherwise ignore the chat if it bothers them.

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If your skin was thick then a spit emote wouldn’t bother you, so you are delusional with that. If a player treats you bad you report and ignore, it’s that simple. You make it sound like the majority of the player base is like that, and it isn’t true. In my 15+ years of playing I can count on one hand players that were “mean” to me.

I don’t know Herc or never played with him, but have seen some of his posts and seems like a common sense person to me, but of course I don’t get offended by emotes.

Let’s be real here. I didn’t make a peep while being spit on, now you’re all hear crying because an emote is being removed. Who really doesn’t have the thick skin here?


Yeah I mean my gay marriage comment the way you initially interpretted it now. The profile checks out.

I’ve given no input about the spit emote being removed. I don’t especially care one way or the other. I’ll just change my spit macro to /yawn.


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No one is crying, and once again you aren’t looking at the big picture. What will they remove next is what players are worried about. And once again if that emote isn’t such a big deal then why does it bother you?

Whooo what, I am not against gay or any type of marriage. I was raised to live and let live, what you do in your personal life is your business, not mine or anyone else! What I do hate though is people losing their jobs over not agreeing, dude you need to stop making assumptions about people.

Except for everyone that is? Have you visited the forums today? There is no “big picture”, just your paranoia.

Just messing with ya, relax. Idk your life.

The thing with Carano? She was offered her own show, her tweets were getting nuts, they said hey chill, she said ok, then went off the deep end again and got fired. When your employer says hey chill and you double down then that’s what happens. I don’t like firing people based on disagreements too, but I dislike employees that don’t follow clearly laid out rules even more. Last year I told Tyler that he needed to be more empathetic to our clients needs, he said he understood, then went and called Mr. Patel a racial slur on the phone. Sometimes people just need a good firing to put things into perspective.

How is this anything relevant to the topic at hand. A single person getting fired is hardly small going big :roll_eyes:

An example of starting small and going big is the government using a home terrorism law to implement wide spread phone monitoring of its own citizens. I have yet to see anything come from mandatory masking for example lol…

I’ll eat my shorts if anything else happens in wow :rofl::rofl:

You are more “triggered” right now than any snowflake I’ve ever seen lol.

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Not a single person, many I told you the list was endless go back and read it again. So now you are Cleo the psychic? So because I said no one is crying that makes me triggered. I could say the same maybe you are triggered cause you use emotes, LOL! See I can play that game too.

Actually, in the case of the spit emote, if they didn’t remove it from retail it is all about money. They wanted all the people who are buying boosts to feel comfortable as they were being shamed for boosting and cried about it.

I initially thought they removed it completely.

I love how people actually get upset over someone spitting on them. Fortunately I can still tbag corpses as a bear :slight_smile:


The luls… I remember some threads in GD where asmon was getting his sheep to spit on people and people were upset. That is pretty comical. Money is king.


its because of that video of the guys working for blizzard standing around in a circle around that girl and spitting on her

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