I don't think that I am cut out for this game anymore

As long as they haven’t released, it should still work. Drust Ritual Knife is also a good one.

What’s ironic to me is that I never get /spit on by Horde players. Alliance players in epic bgs like to fight with each other and /spit is something you might occasionally experience, lol.

I get irrationally mad when I am /spit on. I know it’s just an emote. But it really pisses me off. lol

/dance its worse than/spit. Nothing pisses people off worse than an elf moonwalking up and down their asses.

Close second to pissing people off. Human, female and belf, female laugh. /lol from a belf female especially if I died is enough to cause a fist through drywall mishap.

/spit is benign.

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I never liked the /spit emote because it’s so low class. But you kinda have to expect that kind of behavior when you play an MMO. It’s one of those things that you might not like but comes with the territory, you know?

The hyperbole aside, there is some truth to the argument. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and hell is seldom made over night, and history shows this. You imagine that you allow gay marriage and suddenly everyone’s gay and think that’s silly, however by starting with a few logical concedes in the name of equality, things can quickly spiral if you don’t have people drawing the line somewhere. Never before would you consider putting children on hormone blockers, however we now have some groups arguing to put all children on hormone blockers so they can choose their preferred puberty down the road, in spite of the long term consequences.

One moment strikes me in kind of a humorous way when John Oliver mocked Trump for questioning where it would end in regards to removing statues of Confederate generals, warning they’d eventually be tearing down statues of the founding fathers, to which John glibly replied “somewhere,” only for the rioters to begin tearing down statues of the founding fathers before the end of his presidency.

There is a prevalence of doom saying that makes the concern a bit ridiculous, however it is still a legitimate concern. If we don’t decide beforehand where we stop, who will?

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I use /chicken emote with my flare, because you know, that’s what stealth classes are. One day in Tol Barad vs 2 really good rogues, after I still was able to win, the next round one of the rogues brought his shaman. He had one of his spells macro’d now with the /chicken. I took it as a compliment that he went out of his way to do that :joy::joy:

Classic players only have to deal with this. They can’t have nice things because they’ll sperg out en masse to spit on a dude and his ugly space lizard mount

I still can eat their brains, it really seems to upset some people. I have a soft spot for the classics and for… well, brains.