why would i get banned just because im online 12 hours a day, capping my weekly honor and do some raid on Deviate Delight. i dont see the point they suddenly suspect me using hacks. im just to dumb even to make macro and weak auras. before maintenance im capping my 256k honor and i dont play for 24 hours after maintenance, then suddenly i got banned? not a suspend? better be a gold buyer, they only got suspend after swiping their credit card. dont grinding too much for this game just not worth it
You will probably want to take this to the general forum, as there are no battlegrounds in hardcore.
However based on your claim to being online for 12 hours, I suspect you were reported for being AFK in the battlegrounds, now obviously that is just a guess, but I imagine most people would struggle to actively PvP for that long each day.
hey sorry, im drunk. will move this to general forum
There used to be a time when people who got banned/actioned would say things in general forums, get directed towards Customer Support forums, post them there, then CS would reply with actual reasons, which made it incredibly obvious what they did to get banned.
I’m not sure if that’s still a thing, but something to consider perhaps…
to be fair, I saw mods making up things, making assumptions and using misleading language to “justify” what they saw in tickets/cases to the point where I couldn’t stomach the propaganda there. Don’t believe everything you read- blizz and it’s staff/bots are not a well-oiled machine. They are top tier at PR recovery, though.
That’s an incredibly easy statement to make that you may feel requires no proof or justification.
You have no proof or justification that they weren’t making stuff up to save face either, so what’s your point? They were low wage Blizzard employees, friend.
My statement is more believable than yours to anyone who knows anything about blizzard recent history.
If you want to pretend they’re not the unsavoury company that they are, and they don’t do underhanded things to get new accounts going for their metrics, then you do that, and we can be on two sides of the aisle for this, np.
Which statements are you comparing here, to be clear?
it doesn’t matter.
you’re not sending me notifications in good faith.
Have you read the post exchange we’ve had in this thread, and genuinely believe this to be the case to be making such an accusation?
yes, you will never listen to me, and I was there, watching mods do stuff and things.
It truly doesn’t matter what either of us believe.
I was just giving readers and yourself the option of not believing everything you read.
You don’t have to say or do anything at all to get reported then banned/suspended.
It just takes a number of players to simultaneously report you which then triggers the automated suspensions/bans.
The reporting-auto-triggers, along with the vote-kick features currently used in RDF, are the enforcement tool sweaties, elites, the most despicable nerds, use to control others in game.
Here’s an excerpt of one such player prepared to take full advantage…
Notice that they’re prepared to report me simply for showing up to what they perceive to be non-optimal, regardless of whether I’m actively engaged or not.
It has nothing to do with non optimal. I remember you trying to push the same narrative on me 9 months ago, asking how I’d feel about someone going into a bg with greens, and my answer was “how else are they supposed to get gear for pvp?”
There is a core difference between someone playing off meta and another person outright doing every single possible thing they can in an objectively wrong way.
Nothing on that page for your gear, talents, or even glyphs (due to the talents) being remotely correct. This is what people would call a “wasted slot”. You are a wasted slot in a group setting.
And sure, keep saying I don’t live in your head when you keep chain quoting me into other threads.
You’re just going to hit me with long-winded dossiers?
I see you’re starting up with your simultaneous dossiers across simultaneous posts which unfortunately I no longer have the interest to engage your gaslighting in…
So we’ll cite one quick example…
You say…
But not too long later you say…
There’s your contradictory tendency, gaslighter.
If I’m actively participating, doing an arbitrary number of DPS that helped get the objective done, what did it matter that I may or may have “wasted” a slot?
I didn’t quantitatively or fast enough do the DPS according to your expectations?
That is what it sounds like you’re saying, and I am interpreting it as so.
But Gaspathy is just going to be Gaspathy.
BTW, one last note…
Show me in the ToS where it says I can’t use a tanking gem as a shaman?
Where does it say in the ToS that some third-party site made my nerds is the determinant on what is proper play and isn’t?
It’s very convient that you scream about gaslighting and context, then leave out the middle sentence that connects those two quotes.

There is a core difference between someone playing off meta and another person outright doing every single possible thing they can in an objectively wrong way.
Non optimal is everything else that is not meta. I don’t care if someone is non optimal. What I do care about is if someone is running caster gear with melee gems and enchants, with melee gear that has caster gems and enchants, a caster staff with an agi enchant and a parry gem, with a tank trinket, while not only not having any end cap talents in LICH KING, but also not even having the prior talents before the end cap. What I just described it sure, by definition not optimal, but it goes so far and above not optimal that it is just outright griefing everyone else who has to rely on you for the TEAM BASED GAMEMODES.
But sure, go on and scream about how I leave out context and gaslight some more. All you can do since you can’t prove me wrong.

Show me in the ToS where it says I can’t use a tanking gem as a shaman?
Where does it say in the ToS that some third-party site made my nerds is the determinant on what is proper play and isn’t?
Player reports are only there to notify Blizzard. I know in your mind you think that reports somehow magically allow players to ban other players, but that’s not how it worked, not how it currently works, and god forbid not how it’ll work in the future.
So going back to me saying that it’s all based off of ignorance, thank you for proving to everyone that yes, everything you say is based off of ignorance. I don’t need to provide evidence when you provide it for me.

It’s very convient that you scream about gaslighting and context, then leave out the middle sentence that connects those two quotes.
If you think I’m going to analyze every sentence and paragraph of your gaslighting…
You’re incorrect. I just skim through anything you have to really say. We’ve had this rodeo before already.

Non optimal is everything else that is not meta. I don’t care if someone is non optimal. What I do care about is if someone is running caster gear with melee gems and enchants, with melee gear that has caster gems and enchants, a caster staff with an agi enchant and a parry gem, with a tank trinket, while not only not having any end cap talents in LICH KING, but also not even having the prior talents before the end cap. What I just described it sure, by definition not optimal, but it goes so far and above not optimal that it is just outright griefing everyone else who has to rely on you for the TEAM BASED GAMEMODES.
But sure, go on and scream about how I leave out context and gaslight some more. All you can do since you can’t prove me wrong.
You ignored the part that if hypothetically I’m actively participating and doing a standard amount of DPS, it’s somehow still griefing just because I’m not gemming to your expectations.

So going back to me saying that it’s all based off of ignorance, thank you for proving to everyone that yes, everything you say is based off of ignorance. I don’t need to provide evidence when you provide it for me.
So then, the ToS doesn’t say that I can’t use a tanking gem in group activity. It’s just you projecting your nerdist authoritarianism based on your criteria on what’s correct and what isn’t.

Player reports are only there to notify Blizzard.
It’s not like I bookmarked a post with a player explaining, corroborating, exactly how it works… oh wait… yes I did!!!
Here are some tips to avoid getting a ban from the automated report system.
- Don’t piss off any big guilds on your cluster
- Don’t farm in a weird looking way on a hunter or mage
- Take care in naming your characters, never name your warlock, hunter or mage alts with random stuff because bots do this
- Don’t joke around and have chinese characters on your pets
- Don’t undercut in a toxic manner on your cluster
It takes up to 15 reports for cheating/botting to have automated action taken on the account and yes takes up to 2 weeks for review and reversal.
I remember streams from launch in 2019 where guilds in ungoro would go in and report as many people in competition for devilsaur leather that it would be all out chaos. This was on the PVE realms so that was the only way to combat competition was to report them in hopes they get banned for 2 weeks. On PvP realms it was just that, horde/ally coming in and camping corpses.

I just skim through anything you have to really say.
Because again, everything you do is based on ignorance. Thanks for proving me right, again.

doing a standard amount of DPS, it’s somehow still griefing just because I’m not gemming to your expectations.
You’re not doing a standard amount of dps with your build, that’s why I ignored it. There is no world where your half and half is doing even half of an actual build.

So then, the ToS doesn’t say that I can’t use a tanking gem in group activity. It’s just you projecting your nerdist authoritarianism based on your criteria on what’s correct and what isn’t
This is another rodeo we’ve done before. I never said gemming badly is against TOS. Griefing can be against TOS in context, and I’d report you for just that. It’d be up to Blizzard to decide if I’m right or not.
It’s really simple and you’re just choosing to be stupid.

It’s not like I bookmarked a post with a player explaining, corroborating, exactly how it works… oh wait… yes I did!!!
And you can get the exact opposite answer from the actual blues on the CS side of the forums. They have repeated time and time again that reports are just notifications for Blizz. The only automation is in regards to squelching an account, or name reports for names that have already been flagged and had a judgement against, as the name doesn’t need a new judgement after the first offense across the entire game.
The difference between you and me is I don’t just believe every mouthbreather on the forums who make points based off of zero evidence at all. You linked a post that provides “tips to avoid being banned” lmao and their only evidence is “watching streams”.
Yeah, super objective.
Anymore cope to present?

You’re not doing a standard amount of dps with your build
What’s a “standard” amount of DPS?

And you can get the exact opposite answer from the actual blues on the CS side of the forums. They have repeated time and time again that reports are just notifications for Blizz.
I would believe you, If I hadn’t been already on the receiving end of them.

What’s a “standard” amount of DPS
More than you do. It’s why you complained all the time about needing LFR and hating logs because they “gatekeep” you, when the only person who had the key to the gate was yourself, and you chose to not use it. There is a reason why you’re the only Shaman I have ever seen, that I believe anyone here has seen, run a build like yours.
If it was good, others would be using it.

If I hadn’t been already on the receiving end of them.
Oh here we go again where you think that I haven’t been reported and sanctioned because you think I’m a Blizzard shill.
I’m not here to convince you of anything. I’m just here to highlight how you’re wrong.

Oh here we go again where you think that I haven’t been reported and sanctioned because you think I’m a Blizzard shill.
I’m not here to convince you of anything. I’m just here to highlight how you’re wrong.
I’ve been playing since vanilla…
And in the entire time, I’ve never been sanctioned for anything, having always had the same demeanor. I caught my first and then subsequent vactions after the initial silence reward all within a span of the final two-three months of Wrath.
Suddenly Wrath ended and I’m no longer getting reported or banned for anything,
As you proved I had enemies following me around in Wrath whom even added me to their friends list, as I added them.
It just takes a gan… a guild of 15 to organize and report anything they want.
It will be a while before I get banned for anything in game again… I’ve taken precautions. Namely because of fecal matter like you
I told you not to come originally to talk to me, yet you insisted on inviting yourself anyways and did with nonsense you say you recorded; I saw your dumbass coming a mile away.
Now I am daring you to try and find me again because…
What exactly is it that you want?
I don’t have any interest in talking to you in game but with your gaslighting you take disinvites as invitations and vice versa.