Repeated (overturned) bans for botting

Here are some tips to avoid getting a ban from the automated report system.

  1. Don’t piss off any big guilds on your cluster

  2. Don’t farm in a weird looking way on a hunter or mage

  3. Take care in naming your characters, never name your warlock, hunter or mage alts with random stuff because bots do this

  4. Don’t joke around and have chinese characters on your pets

  5. Don’t undercut in a toxic manner on your cluster

It takes up to 15 reports for cheating/botting to have automated action taken on the account and yes takes up to 2 weeks for review and reversal.

I remember streams from launch in 2019 where guilds in ungoro would go in and report as many people in competition for devilsaur leather that it would be all out chaos. This was on the PVE realms so that was the only way to combat competition was to report them in hopes they get banned for 2 weeks. On PvP realms it was just that, horde/ally coming in and camping corpses.