Why is there no Era for TBC and WOTLK

Dude, you were an ele/enhance half and half spec that got neither end cap talent, you ran around in half and half mixed melee and caster gear, you ran trinkets that quite literally did nothing, pretty sure one of them was just outright a tank trinket, your weapon was a caster staff enchanted with agility and gemmed for parry. You were hardstuck 1600 complaining about cheaters in arena while using this build, while simultaneously complaining about how you can’t get some rated gear while being in almost full wrathful, only missing if I remember right, 3 to 4 pieces of wrathful.

For the bgs, the “yeah I’d report you” came from you trying to brag about your super secret shaman tech for WSG. What was this tech? Sitting afk in base with sentry totem in the tunnel doing absolutely nothing but staring through the sentry totem.

So yes, I’d report you.

Edit: wasn’t your suspensions you baby raging on the forums and just name calling everyone you disagreed with to the point where you got suspended on the forums? Idk about in game, but I’d assume it would be for the same. Sure you avoid swearing to avoid being reported (never forget that “verbal thrashing” you tried to do to me, I will link that chat if I need to lmao) but you don’t need to swear to still be reported. Your name calling here does just the same in regards to being an offense.

Edit 2: https://imgur.com/a/short-suspension-cptsEzZ

Added anyways after second thought. Your “verbal thrashing” followed by an update with your gear and talents. I’m not mousing over every piece to show your mix matched gems/enchants, but the point should already be proven without. Your existence in bgs is outright a grief to everyone else.

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