Why is there no Era for TBC and WOTLK

I’m not going to flood you with quotes.

  1. There was a whole thread where you tried to hide the tech, then in another told another poster about it. No, I’m not going back half a year to find it.

  2. I’m not going out of my way to hunt you down. This is the exact reason why I wasn’t going to play your game of “come find me in random bgs”.

  3. You keep saying in and out of context, but your context is literally just misunderstanding what I stated, created your own headcanon of what I stated, and then are trying to pretend that your headcanon is what I meant from my statement. I never reported you in game. You can pretend like I have, but I haven’t. That’s just a cold hard fact.

  4. Yes, on the forums. There have been numerous times you have referenced me in other threads with insults without tagging me to even let me know you’re talking about me because you know you can’t defend yourself at all. It just ends up with me proving to everyone on the forums your inability to do anything well, then you move onto the next thread and repeat. It’s why I say that I live in your head. You openly make references to me when applicable, even if I’m not in the thread to begin with. In those contexts, yes, I have reported you.

Nor is this contradictory, I explicitly stated that I never reported you in game. The forums are not in game. To then double down with calling me a “gaslighter” for outright being correct is just sad to be honest. The more you use the word incorrectly, the less likely anyone is going to read what you’re typing and go “yeah, that guy knows what he’s talking about.”

Your core issue has and always will be that you’re too ignorant and selfish to understand why people don’t like you in an environment that provides a wealth of knowledge and requires teamwork. You quite literally are the antithesis to what a wow player should be. It’s a shame that the ignorance you blatantly show is your defining feature. It just slams you into walls everytime.

Just like your 1600 rating and inability to even enchant your gear correctly. All based off of ignorance and selfishness.

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