I don’t think even RDF can save Wrath

Are you talking about the ret pallies and DKS solo clearing BF? There was a vid for ppl on leveling there or farming gold. Even rogues did it somewhat.

Make sure you block this one too, both this one and the Deathwap person might be the most dense and poorly articulated trolls on the forums.

They don’t care about reality or information, they’re just bored and lonely in life and this is how they get their only social validation.

Yea this is the “2nd” time you have blocked me.

Can’t see your trash takes sweetheart, keep bumping my post though.

Dude log out and delete your account. You literally spam doomposts. Go find something that makes you happy


Not sure why I had you blocked but it’s probably because your opinion doesn’t mean anything.

Nah they were fresh green boosts bots. Not hard to see a script.

My point is as you said botting has been in the game since it started. But if someone is going to make a wild claim that the game is dead or dying then why is there a queue now? Can’t blame bots when bots existed before this and there wasn’t a queue. The queue exists because there’s more players than vefore

You talk a lot on the forums for someone who is “quitting”

That’s all you are though. All talk no action. Blizzard thanks you for your money

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Yes there are more bots now. The ability to make lvl 55 DKs is huge for these people. A few weeks ago I was mining and there was a train of like 10 DKs running a mining route. So I didn’t think too much of it. I just turned around and went along the route the other way to avoid having all my nodes stolen. Sure enough the same train together passes me by a bit later. I went back a few days later… There they are. Running the same route. Went back a few hours later. There they are. Reported them all. A week later. There they were. Only after the boats to Northrend opened up did they finally leave. Now I imagine they are all just flying the same train in Icecrown.

edit: I’m not saying anything about the ability to make lvl 55 DKs either. I’m blaming Blizzard for not taking action. They should be banning bots a lot more frequently than doing ban waves every few months. They should be banning them daily, or weekly. Make it unprofitable for them to keep having to rebuy the game and boosts and sub fees. But then Blizzard loses out don’t they. Blizzard benefits when botters/gold sellers buy a copy of the game, boost to 70, and pay sub fees for those months before the ban waves.


Thanks for the bump sweetheart, no one is reading your fried takes.

I see far less now than ever before. I know they still exist but I haven’t seen a single thing that makes me thing there’s more than tbc

Good to see you read ignored comments lol.

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SO yea like i said you claimed you blocked me once before. i doubt you unblocked me.

Oh it’s easy to edit a quote of someone and claim you blocked them.

I guess I’m one of the few that is having an amazing, positive experience with wrath. The server still seems very busy, LFG is slammed with players and main quest hubs are still buzzing. Dalaran is very much populated, especially around the trainers.

I do feel like RDF would be a much better experience and quality of life upgrade but unfortunately Blizz ain’t having it. Best of luck to you OP as you step away from wrath. Hopefully you will find a game that checks all the boxes to make you happy.

I hope they did. Would mean they’re so sensitive that even blocked their ego is so fragile they have to know what was said

All that troll does is make multiple big grand posts daily crying about a game they pay for. Kinda pathetic tbh.

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I dont think Rdf would bring anything.

Tanks and healers are already getting rewards for doing the dungeons. They put that into RDF to get them to que and it helped somewhat yet there was still a que time for most dps.

Now taking those rewards and putting the only RDF who knows. The rewards are meh usually now. Like thats for that food water im going to vendor. and that herb worth 57s.

Oh look another Garmuck/RFD/GDKP/Rankoneboost sensationalism troll thread.



Nah, thats just the retail tourists.

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I dont honestly know if its about the rewards. One could argue that LFG favors the player who decides to take charge and form their own group. Technically, you could be a dps that sits in LFG all day without getting picked. Its not really a true "set it and forget it " option.

RDF on the other hand…yes, there will be a wait for dps but with enough patience the system will eventually work. Plus it would benefit the smaller servers with a greater pool of players.
Just my two cents and its not even worth that.

Another day another qq post from you. Just stop playing!

WotLK is doing fine and many of us are still enjoying it.

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