I don’t think even RDF can save Wrath

Dead game. RIP in pieces WotLKC

whats fun is seeing how bot ridden BGs are. truly trash

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It’s insane how many people called them out for this, them nerfing dungeon boosting was also really bad. They focused on just the RMT portion of it but forgot that it gave people an incentive to boost through lower level content too and that people can boost their own alts and friends.

They are the reason why 1-70 content is dead right now, virtually no reason to go back any of it.

Queues died out yesterday even on mega servers, and most servers are spammed with DK bots anyways.

Wanna talk about that or are we just gonna ignore it?

The content wasn’t 15 years old and speedran through with expert precision involving pre-BIS and addons that knew every encounter before they even launched. People didn’t full clear Naxx the first day it came out. Very few people in original WOTLK had even seen Naxx because so few people actually succeeded at it in Vanilla because it wasn’t in the game for a long time.


There was a que on bene. Just less players in it. but still there. And i have yet to see these mythical dk bots

That’s because both you and Blizzard ignore it, they profit from it snd it would kill your argument that Wrath has a good playerbase as bots probably make up a chunk of that queue and your server size:

You can easily go to the WoW Classic subreddit and find hundreds of videos of bots in BGs and open world.

Gold is cheaper now than TBC and they’re minting out millions a day.

But keep ignoring reality, it’s working out great.

Yeah, I’m glad I rushed thru and can raid log now tho. Playing wotlk the way it’s meant to be played for me

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How do I ignore something I do not see here? I have yet to see these dks in av or any other BG that…(which has nothing to do with the que being that’s cross realm)

Here you go:


That was from 3 days ago, you can just type in Bots to the search bar on Reddit and you’ll see hundreds of these videos and threads where people are fed up.

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Yep Av…cross realm. So how are they affecting my que?


I’m done taking your bait lol, if you can’t understand how massive botting and Blizzard being dumb enough to allow accounts to make Lv 55s which were exploited long before servers got locked then idk what to tell you.

lol, sure thing.

booster were not in shop in OG wrath… they removed 2 things from the expansion (power lvl boost) and (RDF) but adding boosters ingame $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$…

Phil please save us from BK


im sitting here in bot ridden av rn its AWFUL lol

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Botting has been in the game for decades. ITs not going to change the landscape of the game anymore than it already did.

screenshot of these bots with of course you in the SS.

Not entirely true. Yes bots have existed for a long time. But todays bots are far more sophisticated than bots from 15 years ago.

According to this clown you’re lying:


Just block this person lmao, gets proven wrong and doubles down because they want attention.

But are there more bots now than tbc? Why is the queue so much worse? I remember standing there in hellfire as countless waves went in and out of ramparts. Never ending

Not really…They all do the same thing of automation. Run around to a point on the map that is coded in and respond to things that are Red.

we have had that for a long time.