I don’t think even RDF can save Wrath

I dont even make my own groups with LFG and i have 0 issues getting a group within 5 minutes.

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Thats awesome! Sounds like you’re having a positive experience as well.

I honestly gotta agree. There never was much to do in WotLK. RDF would’ve extended Wrath’s life for me a bit but man I just don’t feel like running Naxx again. I spent 5 months doing it every week in the run up to Wrath’s launch to try and get the Ashbringer (It dropped once in that time and I lost the roll). And even if that wasn’t the case there just isn’t much to do but raiding. I’m hoping they kinda speed up the expansions a little bit.

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Those queues do nothing for the people on empty servers. The people with queues chose to play on mega servers. Stop crying about the queues you chose. I specifically didn’t transfer with my guild because I wasn’t paying blizz to transfer 5 toons to sit in queue

How do you know if the queues on your server isn’t cause by bots. You could be right, the bots running around may not be on your server or effecting your queue, but you actually never know.

Never cried about it! Im not affected by the que becasue i work at home! Kinda stranged you would have been able to transfer to a que server when they were locked!

He claims just av. Av is cross realm and you can tell what server ppl are from in av.

True. Though sucks to be Alliance for AV for Oceanic when the other 2 Oceanic Servers are more populated than Remulos and dominated by Horde.

What are you waiting for? Go now. A sub isn’t holding you back. Just leave. The forums community wont miss you. The in game community won’t miss you. No one cares. So leave. There’s the door.

Hey another flat Earth thread!

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Can’t wait to see you posting on day 15 so we can laugh at you for re-subbing so soon

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pretty ironic coming from someone who spends their entire day whining on the forums relentlessly.


Interesting how you are taking to yourself on two accounts. Do you do this one handed while stroking it?

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So you already have immortal, the 3D achievements and full BiS as well as exalted with every faction?

Wrath is over, better pack it up.

You just aren’t making enough goals in wow. Wow can be more than just hitting 80 and raiding.

Good to hear, looking forward to it

I mean… he’s not wrong. You’ve been posting in these forums for months with how disappointed you are with the game. You seem to thrive on complaining about this game every day with your multiple forum posts.

You’re not going to quit and you know it.

How boring must your life be if you spend 90% of your time talking about RDF???
Garmuck go get some sowing needles or something bro


Now we will all totally play dragonflight…ha…ahahahahahahaha