I don’t think even RDF can save Wrath

I think the time has come that most people are exhausted at the lack of content in Classic.

RDF would’ve been nice to implement at the start, but people already are raid logging and LFG is pretty slow even for Heroic dungeons and I can only imagine how bad the Normal ones are for the people still leveling.

Not to mention the entire 1-70 leveling areas are completely dead due to no more dungeon boosting and them selling their own boost.

It just seems to me like even if RDF got put in tomorrow that nothing would drastically change, in a way RDF not being there forced a lot of players to see the reality of Wrath and how boring all the content is and in general how little there is to do outside of the small rotation of content available.

At this rate they either need to add in RDF with the Ulduar patch and have that drop before December or it’s looking like a wrap for Wrath.


If it was in launch it could have. Its too late now. Too many people have left. And even the hardcore tryhards who speedran Wrath are just raid logging now so the world is dead and empty.


Yeah it’s kinda sad how badly they fumbled this expansion launch tbh, they had every tool available to make it successful and they absolutely dropped the bag.


Its not sad, its greed. They spit in the face of their largest playerbase to appease 4 or 5 hardcore crybabies who didn’t want RDF. You want to blame somebody? Blame that loser Brian Birmingham who can’t even stick to one excuse. The truth is hes a GDKPer and he wanted to make sure business was good. And he sacrificed the greatest expansion this game ever had at the altar of greed to do it.


Sadly this loser might get a raise and a promotion from the amount of money he generated for them with the level boosts.

In pre-patch alone I would see thousands of people buying it, they were all over the forums and game and all of them would be proud to be a boost and now most of these people already quit the game or are about to lmao.

The community eats up their garbage just as much as they put it out unfortunately, all they see is profits and numbers.


I would have played for many years if RDF had been in the game. I love running alts but that isn’t an option for me anymore. One more day on my sub then its all over.

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Yeah man I got like 14 days left on mine and I think I’m out too, it’s sad like you said I would’ve seen myself leveling alts my now because at least that would alleviate a lot of the stress of no content in the end game but yeah just being locked in one toon with no real option to level another sucks so bad.

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Only uber sweatlords are already out of things to do. You’re really reaching here.


No, hes right. The LFG tool is dead and empty unless you’re on a mega server. Sure I can still do my dailies and finish my reps. Maybe work on some achievements. But do I really want to grind out loremaster and exalted again in a WOTLK that is destined to die? I did it in original Wrath and it was fun and I had a good time. Now it feels like a chore and I can’t even queue up for dungeons while doing it because we don’t have RDF.


Nah those guys quit week 1, anyone whose made it this long are the regular players who are late to the party and anyone who makes it after this group are the gamer dads and all of us will eventually reach that conclusion regardless of when we get there.

The content is very bare bones at end game and can be done in a week, and people just genuinely don’t have a reason to do heroics anymore or even run normal dungeons. It’ll only get harder and harder to find groups as time goes on, and I feel bad for people still trying to get to 80 because who knows where the player base will be a week or two from now.

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Almost every post you make is something negative.

Why are you still paying a sub fee if you’re so miserable?


Got 14 days left and I’m gone.

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I’ll be bookmarking this thread and when I see you post again in 15 days we’ll revisit this.


i’ll be bookmarking this reply too when i see a ghost town in servers OH wait.

Seems rather obsessive but whatever floats your boat.

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blizzard creating the problem (no rdf) and selling the solution (shop boost) anti rdf are people with guilds since classic that don’t wanna another people to level/gear as fast as them. elitism as always.


Tell my queue that every night lol. Need more to depart so I can get on faster

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There is currently well over 30 ppl in my los on my server. No telling how many are running around in other areas of the server.

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Yea too many people left…yet there are servers with ques…

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Rdf wasnt out when ppl were leveling the first time…