I dislike skyriding

yeah…that sounds about right…

ironically, one side gets away with this trolling crap…while the other side will be actioned…lmao

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and then they had to ruin it for many by keeping pathfinder the game, but only for lesser abled players who cant handle SRing.


Switch to Steady Flight.

Switch to Skyriding.

The game changes with time. The players need to learn to evolve with it. Most of what you complained about. People will easily learn to just deal with over time, its just a matter of change. Can already tell you that people have work around for Macro’s such as GSE, you just hot key them, not more clicky clicky on the bar. Maybe that will be fixed somehow, we will see. The log in screen and selecting your toons, and how that whole thing works as part of the pack deal of warbands, hey trust me warbands have a lot of plus sides to it and players have been asking for a lot of those plus sides. As someone with over 40 toons and 3 accounts, I don’t care that I see an endless list of toons on one screen and don’t need to switch realms anymore. Again the 5 sec toggle to switch flight style we see where that goes in time, but most will just learn to adapt to it. And no I do not see it as something chalked up to WoD and Pathfinder. While it is flight related, its a total different apple all together in the cart.

Either way, players need to learn sometime somethings they need to learn to adapt to when a game changes and not have total melt downs, change is not always a bad thing.

It should be based per mount or off global cooldown and no cast time its rididulous they are making a 5 second cast time to switch flights. Just revert it back few dragons skyriding was enough like others sometimes you want fast sometimes you want your slower flying. Pls Revert this change.

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And Druid flight form should NEVER be considered a mount. It’s NOT a mount. Change that back!!!


I am not sure how the Skyriding is an enhancement feature. More like an inconvenient nuisance.

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I love comments like this that have literal 0 IQ to them. If you can do so much better please go ahead and develop the game with perfect systems and no bugs. Ill be waiting on my dragonriding mount :coffee:

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Another day of posting on the forums about how much I dislike the new 5 second nerf to using both flying modes. Hoping that it gets fixed soon

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Yup it’s complete trash. Blizzard dropped the ball on this one.

This is what we pay a monthly subscription for. We are the customer. We want devs working on the issues and expect to get them resolved. Simple as that. This is exactly why players post on the forums


Lets be honest once they finally got steady flight into Dragon Flight everything about flying was fine to most folks…why couldn’t they just leave stuff alone …move what was working from DF too TWW and be done with it…both sides of flying debate would be happy now…and we wouldn’t have this 5 sec mess either.


Or give a third option to go back to old ways of flying where both work, If they dont want to assign each mount flying would be great.


Dear lord. :roll_eyes:

Hit the button one time and never have to think about sky riding again on any mount. Geez, the drama sometimes with this forum.

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I can position my camera independently while Dragonriding, it’s not the same at all. It is so obviously a new flight feature that nobody who isn’t trolling needs it explained. I’m truly sorry you find it so difficult, I can give you tips if you are receptive to them.


You dont have to use it. Lmao

Lmao what?

They originally announced that not all flying mounts would be able to toggle between skyriding and steady flying. That was fine, because as many players have stated, we want some steady flying mounts, and some that can do dragonriding, for various purposes. But then they “improved” things by making all flying mounts skyriding capable, and restricted it to one or the other. At least give us some flying mounts that only do steady flying.


I love it, b ut what I dislike was going from 1.5 second cast to switch between static and dynamic flight to 6.5 second cast.