I didn't receive my feldrake

no drake yet -2 days

been 5 days no drake and put tickets in

It has now been 4 days since i claimed my tickets keep being closed and classed as Resolved without hearing from anybody and still no Feldrake rather annoying :frowning:

Same. Twitch says it’s claimed. Opened Blizz ticket and they closed it with references to the forums. Still no Feldrake yet wife and kid had it within minutes of claiming.

i claimed mine 4 days ago too, still dont have it. over 100 days played and i have been refusing to touch this expansion at all until i get the mount i watched 4 hours of a stream for

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well that’s
 an interesting form of protest.

you’ve already paid, so i’m not sure what it’s going to accomplish.
(and you’ve obviously been playing

they don’t look at peoples /played time and decide who will and won’t get it, so I’m not sure why this is relevant.

they’ve already said it’s being investigated.

I blame the Ottuk. :sneezing_face: :hot_face: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

your opinion doesnt matter, i personally have no desire to play the game because this is pissing me off. the past 3 days i have opened the game, saw i still didnt have the mount, then closed it and moved on with my day.


being angry won’t make it arrive any faster.

Still nothing to me, 5 days passed already!

Pretty awful how none of us got any help with this. Maybe some day we will be surprised with a Feldrake in our inventory :frowning:

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You seem to pop up in threads when people are having issues with something with pointless rude replies.

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maybe it’s the other way around, and you’re simply biased?

what more can be said?
the issue is being looked into.

it’s not exactly pointless and rude to tell someone that getting mad won’t fix anything.
getting mad won’t help.
protesting won’t change anything.
it’ll get sorted out when they’ve figured out what went wrong.

I’m still waiting for mine as well and I claimed the drop 4 hours after DF launched.

Made a ticket about it and they closed it without giving me any info at all.

Seriously what gives? its been days and still its not showing up. Has there even been a blue post about this?

They shouldn’t hype stuff up when it’s broke trying to get people to do it then it fails do better maybe? Alot of people didn’t even want to actually do it but you throw a mount in there to bribe people and it fails lol.

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Well, if it helps any, I had a GM tell me to report my problem here? In this “General discussion” thread that doesn’t have any blue response or anything? I don’t think they even know what they’re doing at this point.

Add me to the boat. Claimed on day one, still have not received in-game.

I haven’t received my drake yet either. been 5 days claimed on Twitch, but still haven’t received it. took 2 days for the kite, but its day 5 and no mount.

Feldrake watch day 6: still no mount.

claimed mine Monday, still don’t have it :sob: