I am talking about IN GAME, where it is you’re having the issue IN GAME.
If you feel Blizzards stance about world PvP and corpse camping should be reconsidered, absolutely put a constructive suggestion forum either via the in-game suggestion feature or by posting in the appropriate forum.
Show me in the EULA where it is mentioned as a violation of the game rules.
Show us where anything that happened in the encounter that has so enraged you violated the rules of the game. Your opponents only infraction seems to have been embarrassing you and making you to feel humiliated.
Spoiler – The term ‘troll’ doesn’t appear even a single time in the EULA.
And I wish people would stop trying to radically change an aspect of the game just to suit their own desires.
As I said before, world pvp is NOT meant to be fair. If you find it unpleasant, then perhaps it is time to stop participating in it. Leave it to the ones that do enjoy it.
Side note: Yes, I enjoy wpvp. No, I do not corpse camp or gloat over the fallen corpses. I kill them and move on with my playing. No, I do not take offense to what they decide to do with my corpse.
And again it doesn’t matter if it is the forums or in game trolling is part of both set of rules. I am trying to get them to define what trolling in game is and push them to understand that maybe this behavior is unacceptable under trolling. If not how is it not harassment to literally bully someone into submission to stop what they doing for extend periods of time.
I am point out that such behavior should be considered unacceptable.
But once agian it wasn’t about the pvp it’s about the unsportsmanlike behavior that was the trolling.
See as much as I agree no matter where this is posted it is going to be argued about till the cows come home because of the same mentality of acknowledge the problem then saying it’s actually fine. If it’s not pointless arguments it’s heckling behavior which the cm also said is inappropriate.
Then it would be best to submit your feedback via the in-game Suggestion tool (ESC-HELP-SUBMIT SUGGESTION). That way you can be sure to avoid any of the back and forth from other players and have it go directly to Blizzard.
Just try to be as clear and concise as you can be as there is a 500 character limit in the text box.
How is humiliating other repeatedly not harassment? How is such behavior okay? Justify to me your stockholm mentality.
No, you aren’t getting off that easy. Answer your own question within your own statement. You said it is there, you find it. I’ve spoken with gms about it in game, it is a thing.
I wont argue with you on this, my concern is it will be treated the same way as a any other suggestion box, as in into the trash. It seems futile when things like this have been brought up before. The problem is it needs more voices and the best option is unfortunately the forums.
You’re not the first person to cry harassment over world PvP, nor will be the last. Interestingly, Blizzard’s stance has never changed over it. Wonder why that is?
It’s painfully obvious to everyone else that a PvP realm doesn’t suit your play style (nothing wrong with that). However, you have options - it’s up to you to use them.
I linked the EULA for you. Neither the word ‘troll’ nor ‘trolling’ appears once. Let me repeat so I’m as clear as possible – those words are NOT in the EULA. If you wish to dispute that fact, you need to read it, then point out where they appear. I’ll wait.
And for your edification, here is a link to the forum Code of Conduct, and what it has to say about trolling on the forums:
Spamming or Trolling
This category includes:
Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
Making non-constructive posts
Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements
I don’t see any of that here. Disagreeing with you is not trolling.
There are no rules against this. And get a new method of describing it. There is nothing happening here that is in any way related to Stockholm Syndrome. No one here is siding with the losers that were acting like idiots. No one here has taken up their “cause”.
I’ve been the victim of humiliation tactics in real life where I couldn’t physically get away. Where I had very limited options, and all of them involved more humiliation. I have diagnosed PTSD from it. It is not the same as when it happens in the game.
I don’t like victim-blaming in most cases because how you feel is real and you are entitled to feel that way but why did you stay and watch them act like fools? Why did you let a bunch of losers get you riled up? Why didn’t you log into a different character for a while? You don’t gain anything by trying to outlast them.
Target the player. Right-click their portrait. Select “report player for”. There is no option to report them for “trolling” or “griefing” because they are not violations. There is no option to report them for unsportsmanlike behaviour because it is not a violation.
Blizzard is not anyone’s mother. They aren’t going to micro-manage what players do. They aren’t going to tell players how to behave. If someone is “physically” bothering you in the game, go to another part of the game. You aren’t required to stay there any more than they are required to leave.
It isn’t a placebo. Just because it hasn’t been implemented does not mean the Devs didn’t discuss it.
I’ve seen a number of players give feedback on this but none of them have an answer on what Blizzard should do.
What sort of policy are you looking for when it comes to trolling/griefing in the game? What line does someone have to cross to go from being stupid to being banned?
They didn’t. Your issue is with what the players did after they killed you in wPvP. That is still part of wPvP. It isn’t harassment. The policy for PvP, instanced and world, has been the same all along. There is not policy that says they can’t do what they did.
Just pointing out that op opened no ticket.
And the forums are not a means to contact support, only to discuss the game with other players Others already pointed out that the post originated in the general discussion forum.
It should be also pointed out that Kalv is not a CM, but a SFA, support forum agent.
Community managers gather feedback from players, and relay information from the development team.
SFA monitor the support forums, and can help redirect the players seeking game help.
In either case though neither are game masters, the forums are still just about player to player conversation about the game, only. Some tried to point that to you.
If it happens outside of the game, like discord, no one from support will be able to monitor that. It’s been mentioned about PvP, but I think I get it’s not all just PvP but the actions of others in the course of PvP play where unfortunately things get really passionate at times.
But there’s a way you can walk away from a bad situation such as this in bfa, you can turn off warmode, or join a cross realm group and hopefully get put into a different server, away from the situation you were in. Or call out for help.
It’s trickier in Classic, but in either case PvP play on it’s own is not against the rules.
I understand that this is a passionate topic, but please only take this as friendly advise. No one has displayed Stockholm symptoms because they don’t agree.
I am sorry to tell you, but nothing you described in this post is harassment nor trolling. I know you don’t like the answer, but PvP did indeed happen. There is an option toj avoid it. You had to make a decision to turn it on. In making that decision, you accepted this could happen.
I know that is not what you want to hear, but itnis the correct and proper answer. If I want to kill you over and over and over and plant my flag and shoot fireworks over your now piles of bones for hours, simply put, I can. If it happens to me, I chose to accept that by turning Warmode on. We quote literally signed up for rhst possibility.
As to the response from Kalv, it too was spot on perfect. He laid out policies based on inferred information. Let’s be honest there was nothing to go by here. Further no ticket history to infer what might be the issue.
Not liking the answer does not invalidate the answer. Not liking the answer does not mean poor customer service. That said, itnis still the proper answer.
I am sorry you were so heated in this situation. However, it was preventable. And entirely self created.
I have read through the topic and I understand the frustration. In the end we all have to realize this is a game first. A game should not make you so angry it tears your insides out and causes you to become boiling mad.
When this happens to me I stop playing that toon immediately and jump on an alt, play a different game or I remove myself from the situation entirely by not using my computer. When a game causes this much anxiety and anger its best to step back and remove that which is causing the issues within.
You see what they are doing as “trolling” or “harassment” they see it as getting back at the enemy in a game. Some do it for trolling purposes but still it does become irritating.
For your own sanity you should take a step back and realize it is not something that can harm you personally. In the end all you can do is try to deal with it during the situation and try to find your own way of making it less frustrating when it does happen.
I do hope you get this sorted for your own peace of mind.