I demand to speak with a gm in game

This topic was closed before I got in for the day, but I think it’s best to leave it closed at this point. In case someone comes across this thread in a search, I will address the policies governing this now that specifics have been provided:

PVP Harassment

I provided the broadest breakdown of our stance on in-game harassment that I could. I did this not because I was attempting to belittle or insult ones intelligence, but because I had very little details to go off of. The original post, and even the follow-up post that provided some additional context did not elaborate on the specifics of the situation. If it had been made clear that the issue was one of repeated PVP, and use of in-game toys my response would have been very different and more specific. This is because we have a specific policy regarding PVP as it pertains to reports of harassment.

When activating War Mode, a user accepts the risks associated with open world combat. There are incentives to using War Mode to encourage users to open themselves up to those risks, but ultimately the decision is made by the user.

The behavior being reported is not something the Game Master team would take action against regardless of whether they witnessed it in person or received a report of it in a submitted ticket. If the War Mode experience becomes undesirable, the solution is to remove oneself from the mode.