I can't wait until all of the RDF threads turn into LFR threads for Cataclysm Classic

trash talking doesnt help your case man. neither does anecdotal evidence.

Are you joking? The forums, my guild chat and trade chat were complaining about it immediately. Literally no one complained about RDF for a while until the Classic Andy’s started looking for a reason to blame the decline of the game on.

Then instead of settling on LFR, world revamp, class overhauls and talent overhauls they chose RDF. The least responsible

You won’t have to use it when they release it due to falling subs.

kids a troll daylynn, just read his reason for not liking it lol

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Apologies if your feelings were hurt, but you said I couldn’t give a reason yet I clearly did and you just didn’t read it.

Not any more anecdotal than everyone here crying for RDF claiming that its “impossible” to get a dungeon group going for low level content.

Except you are. You’re actively advocating against an accessibility based system because:

You can’t sit here and claim that you want people to play the game, but also call it lesser when people play the game.

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no feelings hurt lol. just helping you for future reference. attacking the person doesnt help your case. stay in the lanes of the argument before you bash people personally.

Not all systems that add “accessibility” are good for everyone. They are only good for the people that want it. Some people don’t and those people don’t matter to you. So your essentially asking for those people to be unable to enjoy the game how they want to by your own logic.

Lets look at a game like Dark Souls as an example. A lot of people want the game to have a difficulty setting. It’d get more people into the game, which is only a good thing right? Wrong. If games like that had difficulty settings there would be moments in my frustration of dying to a boss to lower the difficulty and just move past it. However if I were to do that I’d get no satisfaction from finally overcoming the obstacle that is the boss. People make the argument that it would be my personal choice to lower the difficulty, just like how with RDF they say “just don’t use it”. But we all know in moments of frustration I’d 100% lower the difficulty and deprive myself of that joy of overcoming a challenge, the same as everyone would use RDF because of the convenience. Sometimes no choice is actually better.

I’m going to go ahead and say it. There’s nothing wrong with LFR. If your guild falls apart because they add LFR, it’s because people feel like they NEED to be there instead of WANT to be there.

woah bro, you cant be dropping truth bombs like that!

Except it is just as easy as not using it. I don’t need heroics, nor needed RDF for when I did need heroics. I advocate for it because it goes beyond “wah, other people get to play the game in a way I don’t like”.

Your entire point can be boiled down to, quite literally, “other people get to play and I don’t like it.”

It’s pathetic.

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Since I added this after you responded.

A probably more clear example of what I mean (I’ve been awake all night and its 11 am so I’m really tired and forming cohesive thoughts and sentences is becoming difficult lol).

I get it. That said, this isn’t the Souls series, nor does every game need to be like the Souls series.

I enjoyed Elden Ring, it’s a fantastic game, but that game is not WoW, nor is WoW that series.

There’s also a big difference between a game based on a single player experience, and one based on group experience. Everything in the Souls series can be done solo. That can not be said for WoW. WoW needs group interaction, atleast at a bar minimum, people working together. Accessibility based systems enables players to get those groups easier, allowing those groups to go do content, because waiting, advertising, and flying, are not content. They are tediums.

When people ask for a difficulty scale for Souls, they are asking for content to be nerfed across the board. When people ask for RDF in WoW, it is to access that content, not to make it easier. It’s two very different requests, for two very different games.

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Honestly i dont even remember lfr exsisting in cata i thought that was a legion thing because that was the first xpac i used it.

I’d also like to point out that I skipped 99% of TBC coming into WotLK. All my friends play on other servers. I started Wrath 100% alone. Getting into dungeons and raids through LFG has already found me a group of people that I am choosing to continue to play with. If RFD was in the game I’d not have found these people and I’d still just be playing an MMO solo. I know some people cannot fathom why people are against RDF, but we have our reasons, and they are just as valid to us as your reasons for wanting RDF are to you. Blizzard has agreed with the anti rdf crowd for now, thats all there is to it. Hopefully people will just get over it and accept the game how it is. Maybe if they tried that, instead of whining on the forums for hours on end, they could actually play the game and make friends. Something this game has been lacking for years (pretty much since the end of Cata).

there’s something called a guild for that.

I recall them tuning the normals and heroics because so many people cried “how hard” it was. I don’t recall being one of those folks. Although I did break myself upon his body, and felt the strength of the earth a few times and a few wipes.

But they added this nifty little guide back in cata that basically told us what each spell was doing. And then we learned how to get that debuff off. :slight_smile:

Yeah that wasn’t my point though. I’m not saying WoW should be Dark Souls. I’m just saying that sometimes limitations can be a good thing, and not just in games like DS/ER etc.

That very interaction you saying it needs is removed with RDF. No one interacts. They sit in a city, que, run the dungeon without a word, and leave. You most likely NEVER see anyone from that random group ever again.

Right now as a dps I get into groups easier than with RDF. I que’d for early WotLK dungeons earlier and went to quest. I didn’t post a single message in lfg or whisper anyone. Within 3 minutes (at 5 am server) I was invited to a group to dps.

The content isn’t inaccessible because there isn’t RDF. Its inaccessible because those people refuse to be social and make friends in an mmo. Or they play on dead servers.

I play on Pagle. Somehow all like 15 Horde players even manage to do content.

Rolled out with dragon soul. And it was a scourge upon the game. Huge lazymode. Abusers galore.

They did, but nowhere near as easy as wrath was.

I wasn’t either. I didn’t even really know there were forums for the game back then. If I didn’t like something I complained to my guild, not Blizzard.

People still had no clue what to do at the end of the xpac. Theres people even now that die to that boss during Cata timewalking.

I also can’t tell you how many times through all of Cata I’d get a warrior in Grim Batol and watch him charge the flame add on Jedoga or w/e the orc boss’s name was and instantly kill the entire group.