I can't wait until all of the RDF threads turn into LFR threads for Cataclysm Classic

Same thing would happen with RDF. Everyone calling it garbage would still use it because thats what everyone is doing. The only way anti-rdf people get what they want is if it isn’t added. Its not something you can “just ignore”.

Yet here you are making another one lol.

I don’t use Raid finder. It sucks. Too many AFKers to this day. I wish they would remove it, maybe free up a little lag or something?

As far as ignoring, hell yeah you can. I haven’t used it in YEARS (except once in castle nathria last year cause I needed anima bad).

I’m still wondering

It wouldn’t be much lesser if they made it only work for your server, I will admit. But then I’d see no point in adding it since it won’t magically make people appear. Anyone on your server willing to run dungeons should already be using the lfg tool. If they added in RDF like most people want it however it would be lesser because you’d get randoms from other servers and there would be no social punishment for being a “nuisance” (I’d love to use other words, but CoC). I had a mage today roll need on every single item in the dungeon so we all blocked him so he could never play with us again. If enough people do that all of a sudden that guy can’t find groups for content because he is a known “needer of every item” and people won’t want to play with him. Add xrealm rdf and now he can do that with 0 consequence. And thats just 1 example.

They can enjoy dungeons if they get a group. Maybe try making friends. I highly doubt that literally every single other player on your realm is so anti social that if you attempt communication they just ignore you and act like a robot. I started out Wrath Classic pugging raids, found some cool people, and now we level alts together. I didn’t even have to try.

1 lowered the raid difficulty, the other just made joining dungeons easier.

the people who dont want rdf never played wrath on release.

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Yeah that buff for joining rdf definitely didn’t make the dungeons easier. 15% dmg/hp/healing if I remember correctly.

Want to check my achievement dates? My profile isn’t hidden.

One of my oldest achievements is WoW’s 4th anniversary. Earned 11/23/08, 10 days after WotLK officially launched on 11/13/08. I started just before then (mid October of 2008) but was in highschool and had never played an mmo before so I had no idea what to do in the game or how to level fast.

Believe what you want but RDF for leveling wouldn’t hurt anyones leveling experience and would increase participation for them.

It is what it is.

lol there wasnt a perma 15% buff in rdf.

and odd that you hate a system that had no downside. extremely odd.

his memory must be bogged. because i remember zero people complaining about rdf and all 5 man groups loved it.

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It shouldn’t do much of anything with how you want it. If its just same server theres literally no reason to have it other than for teleportation, and if thats all that prevents you from doing dungeons right now it sounds like you don’t want to run dungeons all that badly anyway.

I’ve already said what it would do.

A 5% bonus to the attributes I mentioned per random person in rdf stacking up to 3 times.

No downside to you maybe. It does for me, sorry.

Your downside is “Other people can play the game.”

Not really a justifiable downside.

Wait, you think people are going to play Cata Classic?


You can speak for me. LFR can die a slow death.

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I remember 0 people complaining about lfr in Dragon Soul, look at that subject now. Obviously people enjoyed the convenience at first, it took a few years for people to realize they hated what it did to the game.

he says theres a downside but cant mention it. odd. very odd indeed.

Thats only my downside in your head. At no point have I said I want others to be unable to enjoy the game.

Reading is hard, I know.