I can't wait until all of the RDF threads turn into LFR threads for Cataclysm Classic

I really think most people will quit after Wrath, they need to just make this a permanent Wrath server and not go to Cataclysm, Wrath is the best expansion in my eyes.

And nobody really cares about LFR lets be honest. RDF is where its at.

I think Cata will be more popular than people expect. A lot of people love Cata class design, especially in pvp. I enjoyed going into arena’s on my bm hunter and using kill command on someone with no pvp gear. Would crit someone with ~85k hp for about 120k and laugh. I even almost got the Hot Streak achievement with a friend in arena while we were running freshly dinged 85s during the middle of the xpac. Frost Mage/Destro was a fun 2s combo.

Won 9 games in a row. Came across a DK/Rogue. Literally nothing we could do against cloak/ams and they just globaled us.

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I don’t disagree with this in concept, but in practice, it’s contextual. Limiting accessibility to the content is not healthy.

No one interacts now. The world is full of player controlled NPCs. I have played classic since classic, and out of hundreds, probably thousands of interactions that could have mattered in even the smallest regard, has amounted to nothing. It’s very safe to say that most people do not play this game to socialize. It is not 05.

This notion is the same vibe as “Climate change can’t be real, it’s still cold outside.”

Wait till more people are 80. Wait for people to raid log. Wait for people to finish up. Since cata’s launch, the game has progressively seen falls in players post the initial launch increase. Just because it’s easy now, does not mean instances will maintain the same participation down the road. We saw it with TBC all too well. Forums was complaining about /4 spam. A few months later, and the forums are complaining that they can’t group because no one is running heroics anymore. The spam was gone, but at the cost of players participating in content.

This implies two things, and both are wrong.

  1. Being social is required. It isn’t. It never has been. Making friends is not required. All that is required is that the player character meets the level requirement to enter, and is in a group.

  2. That other players will be social. I have gone out of my way countless times to try to talk to people. Very few are interested, and even those that do, don’t really care.

Yeah, I lived in a small town. Everyone knows everyone, because that’s all there is. That’s all you got. The same applies to dead servers or dead factions on a server. It means nothing when applied to the whole of the game.

Back on topic, your whole point is now what, that limits need to be set? But you’re trying to set that limit on the ability to access content and that’s supposed to be what, good for the game?

And this is all based on the fact that Souls doesn’t have a difficulty slider.

You got dots, they sure aren’t connected though.

Oh you are just being obtuse for the sake of it, there is a huge difference between LFD and LFR, and sure if they want to add a teleport into raids I wont say no, I am not suggesting it, but that fine with me.

I’ve had more social experiences with randoms in the last week of Wrath Classic than the last 3 or 4 retail xpacs combined. Unless you count flaming as interaction (How dare I not know M+ routes the week M+ is made available in an xpac or the week that a new affix comes out and changes everything).

Maybe not. Then maybe Blizz will add RDF. My point is that it is not needed right now.

As I said, I skipped TBC. So maybe your right. But if it gets to that point I’m sure Blizz will relent and add RDF. But Heroic+ might also solve this issue. Time will tell.

Its not required you are right. But it doesn’t hurt. I’ve made friends because I decided to talk to people, and now those people play with me and are willing to level alts together. Get enough people like that and you won’t even need lfg much less rdf.

Some people are like that. I’d be willing to bet those same people really want RDF to be in the game too. They hate that people talk to them or having to talk to others.

They can always transfer. I was more making the point that they managed to make it work. I started on a dead server and rather than cry to Blizz I just transferred.

Again, the content is accessible hence why people are currently doing it just fine. People just don’t want to put in that extra effort. They want to hit que and enter instance, then right click leave group when its over and repeat. I think thats boring, and thats exactly what RDF promotes. That and the no social punishment for being “annoying” like I said before.

Was just one example I had.

Thats why I linked that video. It discusses more than just Dark Souls. As I said, I’m probably too tired to put together a cohesive explanation of why I, and others, feel the way we do.

Anyway its bed time.

You and I both have anecdotal. I’m glad it worked for you. That said, it doesn’t work for everyone. Social interaction is a two way street.

It’s not just about heroics though. The old world and Outland are dead even for the open world, let alone instances. Lk instances will dry up for normal as well, and when heroic+ drops, heroic as well. It’s leaving everyone else out to try because “I don’t need it in the current tier” mentality.

I don’t even care, nor ever cared to have RDF at launch. I know how these player cycles go, and P1 is the most optimal time to not need a system like RDF. That said, we will not be in P1 forever. All it does is boil down to the notion that other people get to play, and that makes people who follow your ideas mad, because it “lessens the content”, or “diminishes the achievements” or whatever.

If RDF never gets put in, I personally will not be affected at all. I am not arguing for myself though. It’s about other people, other players, being able to get into content in a manner that is fair and without long waits. No other modern game makes players wait for untold amounts of time to “play the game”. I don’t know why wow players are obsessed with the notion that waiting is content, or that talking is content. VR simulator exists if the goal of the game is to just talk to people.

Diehard pro RDF posters are losers.

Don’t care what they do in cata since I won’t be playing it.

If Blizzard says that, and not includes LFR for DS, I’ll be celebrating.

I cant wait to /quit again after cata classic is released. Problem averted! Blizz should really consider a couple Vanilla/TBC/Wrath classic era servers and 1 SoM to run and just dump the cata and beyond. Let SoM be the classic+ and leave the classic era servers for those who want the old experience.

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I mean RDF is crazy popular, LFR is largely regarded as bad. I dont think theyre even in the same universe tbh

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