I can't believe how bad PvP is

I was talking about Ion he’s been in charge since 2016. He’s the maker of current warcraft since legion.


Yeah he’s great see how great PvP is?

My favorite exp will always be the first one TBC (The Buring Crusade - 2007).
Airwen still downs her Commander Title just missing Marshal or Field Matrshal which ever was next.

The first PvP had quirks but when the big AV came out it lasted for hours and hours.

To open the crusade my guild The Legendary Crusaders - amazing how I made a guild before TBC with the same word form as the expansion , lucky guess. We worked using vent with horde guilds the communication in wow between factions was way more limited than today. To move resources from alliance to horde using the auction house with 1 silver prices.

The days of figuring out how to write mods that did more than count chickens. Stats were everything, the chick with the whip that locks had wore no bra’s and world of Warcraft was a special world to play in and meet new cool people.

Players like einsteinium the guild Void of the vanguard, risen the famous Alleria A Perfect Circle made wow what it is today. Schadenfreude a great guild with awesome players nod to Selma….

It’s the little things in life…

Oh and let’s not forget that if Chuck Norris could do it we could too. Those were the days!


They really need to nerf the dmg in pvp, there’s no reason for 90k-120k crits. Not to mention if you’re not those 3 or 4 specs in the meta then you’re screwed throughout the whole expansion.


This really means a lot coming from a DPS class. Players wonder why healers don’t want to queue… one shots still happen regardless if the healer pops CDs, has full HoTs up, and is pumping big heals. In current meta, healers have slightly more agency over the outcome of a PvP match than cheerleaders do a football game.

I am a holy priest tip for healers phial of chaos can halo you last long but you have to run around like a headless turkey or you’ll be dead in two hits. My paper think gear. You know wouldn’t it make a more sense to put low mobility healers in a light plate like mail to at least give them a chance.

When the that PvP that kept wow going is dead blizzard will finally feel what failure is like. Once it’s gone, it’s gone,

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I’m a returning player and have played off and on since release. Just have to say, I’m disappointed in the state of Battlegrounds (conversely, the DF expansion PVE side is very good). BGs like Wintergrasp & Alterac Valley, as examples, are stale and deficient. There does not appear to be any interest or need to do quests, side objectives, etc. The meta is get the quickest, easiest, most efficient win then move on to the next one. Nothing more. It’s unfortunate after all these years BGs remain uninspiring and unimaginative and thus not fun. Not even going to elaborate on balance issues and class specifics. Don’t need to really go there after all.

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I can’t believe how bad PvP is…

Well I can’t believe how bad PLAYERS are…

when you have a team full of bad players it’s just unwinnable ! !


im telling you its the climate change booster everyone is getting


They are lazy and apathetic.

man ive been a part of the wow pvp community since BC came out. And I gotta say that this is the most pitiful state I have ever seen it. I thought BFA with full blown scaling was the lowest WoW was going to go with PvP but noooo…Ion and Co. were like “you ain’t seen nothing yet! Watch us blow the door off this mamajohamba!” and boy have they. The world of Systemcraft has ruined a once really good community in WoW.
It’s barely playable now.

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Casual PvP in BfA was pretty fun overall, especially the wPvP.

Fellar, this isn’t Shadowlands. Your trolling is outdated.


nothing in bfa was fun. you hit someone for 10,000 and then math happened…and then all of a sudden you hit them for 704 instead.

no you don’t. my evoker hasn’t done anything, take the quest to go to dragon isles, then just fly to valdraken as soon as the loading screen ends.

a perfectly balanced meta would get boring and stale after 1 season. they leave things a little off balance to enable meta shifting. as far as balance goes, there is also a discussion going on online about if perfect balance makes for a good game and the general consensus is that it does not.

neither of your complaints are really valid.

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This xpac has been “lighter” on the requirements to play competitively, but its not enough.

PvP needs a jump in and play attitude. Getting honor gear is not so bad. Playing midseason and grinding out your head to the wall for conquest - well I guess its not bad either, but its unnecessary. Getting precog might not seem like a big deal, but its another step.

This attitude where “its not that bad” well its not getting PvP anywhere. You have terrible participation and don’t get me wrong there are more issues, MMR deflation to name a big one. The rollercoaster of buffs and nerfs throughout a season doesn’t help either lolret rework. Healers queueing solo shuffle, SS times, etc.

In most other games you login, queue, and play within minutes. PvP has too many barriers and there are just other options that people are clearly taking. S2 has been dreadful and if left unattended by the devs prepare yourself for S3.


Who do I contact if I want to join Blood Bound? I have a Disc Priest on Alliance .

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Thank you! I got in on my Disc Priest, appreciate the info.