I can make 300k-400k an hour….by working and buying tokens.
/jk, sorta.
I also make a couple of million the first months of a patch flipping stuff if I have the time or anticipate the legendary market well in materials and flips.
I can make 300k-400k an hour….by working and buying tokens.
/jk, sorta.
I also make a couple of million the first months of a patch flipping stuff if I have the time or anticipate the legendary market well in materials and flips.
Sir do you work in a Wendys?
@Humanbreak, what? You mean you don’t want to sell your 291 product for a “reasonable” 15k gold as those angry trade-chatters demand? Now now… don’t be a selfish “big meanie”, help out your fellow GD’ers
I almost wish there were some prices between 15k and 90k…but clearly those don’t exist.
Yeah, I’m a meanie for not selling my items below materials cost.
Most of the leggos have fallen between 70-90k on my realm.
What do “GD’ers” have to do with it?
Wait who can’t afford a legendary? 100K or little over is not that much gold…
Maybe you’ll get one for Christmas if you’re a good little boy.
If you make lots of gold, especially via simple means you should record everything you do on all your screens everytime you log in so you can’t be falsely banned for botting. “That doesn’t happen!”
Ohh, it does, and their investigations are an absolute joke. It takes forever to get them to actually look into it and realize nothing against the rules was occurring.
I start every session I log in with a review of the blizzard account logs (you can set it up with parental control) then record EVERYTHING that I do. People just false report and blizz doesn’t really investigate much.
Stop taking it seriously right there.
This is a terrible solution to an awful problem that blizzard made with their poor design for legendary crafting.
Considering most people that are throwing Leggos on the AH, and since it appears such whispers are not uncommon for you I wonder how much you’re playing the AH and using TSM scripts to get through. Which in those cases, probably deserved just like basically all 'Legendary crafters" that I know.
It’s almost like playing the AH is an actual end game for some players.
And here’s the “I disagree with you, so you are a bad person and deserve all the hate messages you get” that I’ve come to expect.
I made a post about this a month ago, and the general consensus was IT WILL LAG THE GAME NOOOOOO!
Complain about the people listing the mats. When the essentia were going for over 25k each it was actually a loss to sell the legendary items for 100k. I rarely see the essences needed to craft rings for less than 500g each, and usually more like 600-700g. It takes 80 of them to make a r4 item. Add that 40k minimum to the 80 ingots, then the 2 progentitor essentia and the cost to make them skyrockets. If you’re complaining about the list price you’re missing the bigger picture.
I mean most people miss the bigger picture.
It’s like people complaining companies don’t pay “a livable wage!!” When they spend all their time buying goods online from Amazon and ignore local buisnesses as much as possible to save a few pennies. Sending all their money to foreign outfits then wondering why their local economy isn’t popping off.
If all the money is sent elsewhere and everybody endlessly pays the cheapest they possibly can, is it really surprising that wages are the lowest they can possibly be?
Likewise, people want the absolute maximum they can get for materials they sell, and absolutely RAGE when someone or something “destroys the market” by lowering prices. But when it’s their turn to buy goods from others they want it at cost + 1 copper tip, and are absolutely outraged if you want to make money for your time and costs invested. “Why u so greedy!” *suprisedpikachu
They also have a fairly robust cognitive dissonance between the two that bars them from seeing the two are different sides of the same coin.
I was making fun of the poster who said something like “yeah, we should sell them for 15k” when many of the complaints are of prices over 100k.
My point is there is a lot of ground between 100k and 15k. No need to go from one ridiculous price to another. Just pick a middle ground.
One Bank Alt to rule them all, One Bank Alt to find them, One Bank Alt to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them
(typically spoken in gobbo-speak)
If you really wanna test it, buy a few on a high/mid/low pop server and see if the sale time between each server size is the same. If it is that’s suspicious, I would expect low pop servers to take a much longer time to sell compared to a high pop.