"I Can Buy This For 100K Less On A Different Server"

Santa is real, I saw it.


People fail to realize that small markets are much easier to manipulate than large markets.


Sell everything buy nothing

Make it regional (East US, West US, etc) and it’s easily doable. High speed servers deal with magnitudes more information. (Getting rid of addon API may be a casualty.)

One of my guildies got one of these whispers just a couple days ago over the 246 ilvl 2H Sword BoE, which they already had like 35k below market price for our server.

It was EXCESSIVELY clear they had no interest in actually getting a deal because they wanted to use it and couldn’t afford it. They wanted to rip off the person “lowering market price” to relist it at the old market price.

Their name was literally “best deal” and they had their own listed at a higher price when we looked into it.

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No, really? puts another coin in the Sarcasm Jar…

So many of your posts are abvious baits, I should probably smack myself about the head with a dead trout for even responding to them.

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Best deal must be worst fake.

That’s why you always play on high pop realms, stuff gets CHEAP fast because although there’s more people to buy them there’s also a LOT more crafting people driving down prices.

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i didn’t say inject into the game. i said into the server. there is a difference. this simple fact means that gold is region wide while goods and services are being tied down to servers, so one server ends up with sub 40k legos with 20 usd = 1 wow token = ~3-4 legos
another server ends up with 200k legos with 20 usd = 1 wow token = ~0 legos

which is why maybe its time to lift server restrictions on trade.

I remember when you use to be nice and call people sir.

Whatever happened to you, kind sir?

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I don’t want california-equivalent players coming in and causing local business to suddenly inflationary spike to chase after that 1 whale that could hypothetically pay more than 10 players.

Look at new york city housing. Perpetual vacancy and more needle spires buildings to find that one super whale willing to make it a 2 month summer flat.


Yeah, people who want a “region-wide” Auction House “think they do, but they don’t”.

you are prob not wrong. :upside_down_face:

What happened to you bud? where’s that world-class customer service I was use to reading?

The AH will crash from the millions of cancelscans every second.

No need for it after green was turned into white for a certain individual.

Can I just say, I love your onesie mog?

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cap the number of cancels on the same item to 10 per hour, sort of how instances work should work to curb the frequency of it happening.

no normal player needs to cancel their herbs more than 10 times in an hour. :thinking:

was just watching a video about the AH in wow vs other game the other day.
but basically. yes. the market would crash.
let it crash.
you cant fix problems by doing nothing.
when there are problems there are ways that a dev can adjust the market to fix the new problem. keep fixing the problems cause by the fix until everything finds that better functional balance.

Legendaries shouldn’t be costing gold in the first place.

It’s just cringe

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Is that even an issue anymore? The only biddable item I’ve seen the retail AH in quite a while was a pet I put in just because.